Top 10 Most Popular Source Code This February 2017

Today, I will be writing about the Top 10 Most Popular Source Code and Articles This February 2017. The results are based on itsourcecode monthly statistics.

Here are the List of Popular Source Code and Tutorials:

1. List of Thesis Project for IT/CS Students

This blog was written by the admin and Posted published on January 12, 2016. The article was all about the list of possible thesis title proposal for IT and CS students.

2. Login User and user Registration Form in VB.Net 

This tutorial was published on October 6, 2015, by janobe.  With this tutorial, the user will learn on how to create a simple application on how login the user that you have registered in the Registration Form. And it will also determine the user’s type when you login in the Login Form.

3. Sales and Inventory System

This is an Automated Sales and Inventory System created and published by Jatin Zalavidaya. The system was developed using VB.NET and SQL Server 2008.

4. Student Grading System

The source was made the admin using visual basic and ms access and it was published on January 4, 2016. It is a simple application that enables the user to add the new student, Update and Delete student basic info. The system also allows the user to compute grades for Attendance, Written Quiz, Practical Quiz, Project, and Exam.

5. Hotel Management System

This simple system called Hotel Reservation System is where you can add the new room, staff, customers information and new user. And it can manage customers where they can check in, check out or reserve a room. It is programmed by John trance and published on March 2, 2016.

6. Online Enrollment System

This Online Enrollment system is create using PHP/MySQL and this application can help cut the personnel needed to ease an enrollment process. The double entries on enrolling two people at the same time can end human error. It is programmed by the Joken Villanueva and published on January 13, 2016.

7. Simple Enrollment System

It published by the Admin on February 4, 2016. This is a complete enrollment system for Andulauan National High School project. The system is created using Visual Basic 2008 and MS access 2007 for the database and its use crystal report for generating various reports.

8. Library Management System

This is a student project a Library Management system created using Visual Basic 2008 with an LIBSOFT framework, a Libsoft is an integrated, multi-user, user-friendly Library Management Software Package. It has been an excellent performance in various schools, Colleges, universities, Special and Public Libraries. it is published by Admin on January 20, 2016.

9. How to Create a Secure Login Page Using PHP/MySQL

In this tutorial, the admin will discuss on how to Create a Secure  Login Page using PHP/MySQL. It is published by Admin on January 10, 2016.

10. How to Search Data in the Datagridview Using a text in VB.Net and MySQL Database

This article was created by janobe and published on October 7, 2015. The article shows how to search records in VB.Net and MySQL Database. The list of records in the database will be displayed on the Datagridview and it will show you how easy it is to search a record using a TextBox.

More Popular Source code and tutorials will be posted here in the first Quarter of the year.


If you have any questions or suggestion about Popular Source Code, please feel free to contact me at our contact page.


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