PHP Convert to String with Example
How to Convert String to Int in PHP? PHP convert to string is a method of the language to convert element values into another data type or to be specific, …
How to Convert String to Int in PHP? PHP convert to string is a method of the language to convert element values into another data type or to be specific, …
What is array_search in PHP? The array_search() in PHP is a built-in PHP function that searches for an array for a certain value and returns its appropriate key. But if …
What is PHP trim() Function? The trim() function is a built-in function of PHP with the primary purpose of removing the whitespaces and excess characters from both sides of the …
In PHP, when we insert data into MySQL (database), we use queries and it returns the ID of the inserted data. To give you a clear explanation of the process, …
What is PHP implode()? implode() is a built-in PHP function that joins the members of an array because it functions exactly like the join() method, the implode() function can also …
Conditional statements are famous in PHP programming, even in other programming languages because these statements support decision-making arguments and scenarios. However, using these conditional statements consumes a lot of programming …
To help our dear students in creating Capstone Projects, the ITSOURCECODE team has made this definitive guide. It is a complete guide and steps in creating a capstone project from …
Are you an IT or a CSE student looking for project Ideas and topics to develop for your final year compliance for 2025? Then here’s what you need. I have …
Are you an Engineering student looking for software engineering project Ideas and topics to develop for your final year compliance for 2025? Then here’s what you need. I have here …
Are you an Engineering Student looking for IOT-based projects for your final year to develop for your final year compliance? Then here’s what you need. I’ve compiled a list of …
This tutorial will help you enrich your skills in programming by learning how to use the PHP glob() function. The topic not only discusses what is glob() function but also …
What is PHP chmod? PHP chmod() is a built-in function of the language that is useful for changing the mode of a specific file. This function can change the mode …
What is PHP fgetcsv? The PHP fgetcsv() is a function used to read or parse the CSV (Comma/Character Separated Values) into the PHP program. So whenever the programmers need to …