AttributeError: Bytes Object Has No Attributes Read An error occurs if you call the .read() function from the bytes of the object instead of the file object. In Python, the .read() function returns bytes from an object’s file type in the form of a string.
How To Fix AttributeError: Bytes Object Has No Attribute Read?

The best way to solve this problem is to check the object type. You should avoid this feature unless it’s a file object. Let’s understand with an example.
Here’s the solutions on how to fix the problem Bytes Object Has No Attribute Read.
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How To Fix AttributeError: Bytes Object Has No Attribute Read
- Solution 1: Converting byte to str and write in file.
We’ve already seen that Byte objects don’t support the read() function, so it’s easy. But I convert the same to str and then write it to the file. This approach works well if you don’t want to change existing code.
str_sample = b"PIES Blogging Services"
f= open("sample.txt","w+")
f.write(arr_str) - Solution 2: Change in Invoking function.
You may end up using a function that returns the bytes type of the object. You’ll need to modify your code base to convert it to a format that returns the object’s file type. Here is an example:
jsonResponse = json.loads(response.decode('utf-8'))
orjsonResponse = json.load(response)
We have completely solved the problem Bytes Object Has No Attribute Read. I hope this simple tutorial can help you a lot.
By the way if you encounter an error about importing libraries, I have here the list of articles made to solve your problem on how to fix errors in Python libraries.
- ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named Pycocotools
- ERROR: Error:0308010c:Digital Envelope Routines::Unsupported
- Only Size-1 Arrays Can Be Converted To Python Scalars
- ModuleNotFoundError: No Module Named ‘cv2’
- AttributeError: Module UMAP Has No Attribute UMAP
If you have any questions or suggestions about this tutorial, please feel free to comment below.
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