attributeerror: module time has no attribute clock

In this article, we will discuss and provide the step by step solutions on how to solve attributeerror: module ‘time’ has no attribute ‘clock’.

Before we procced into the specifics of the “clock” attribute, let’s first know what the “time” module in Python is.

What is “time” module in Python?

The “time” module in Python is used to manage time-related functions. It provides multiple functions that allow developers to manage dates and times in Python.

Some of the functions in the “time” module include sleep(), strftime(), gmtime(), and localtime()

Why the attributeerror module time has no attribute clock error occur?

The error “AttributeError: module ‘time’ has no attribute ‘clock'” occurs because the function ‘clock()’ is not available in the ‘time’ module anymore.

The ‘clock()’ function was a part of the ‘time’ module in the earlier versions of Python. However, it has been deprecated since Python 3.3, and removed completely in Python 3.8.

For example :

import time

start_time = time.clock()
# Code to be timed goes here...
end_time = time.clock()
elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
print("Elapsed time:", elapsed_time)

If you run the code above, instead of seeing the expected output of the elapsed time, you will get an error message:


C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\”, line 3, in
start_time = time.clock()
AttributeError: module ‘time’ has no attribute ‘clock’

Common Causes of this error

There can be multiple reason that causes of the “AttributeError: Module time has no attribute clock” error message.

Here are some of the most common reasons:

  • Outdated Python Version
  • Typo in the Code
  • Conflicting Module Names

Also read: attributeerror: ‘response’ object has no attribute ‘read’ [SOLVED]

How to solve the attributeerror: module ‘time’ has no attribute ‘clock’?

To solve this error, you can replace the ‘clock()’ function with ‘time.perf_counter()’ or ‘time.process_time()’ functions, which provide more accurate and reliable time measurement in Python.

Note: The clock() function has been removed or deprecated in Python 3.8, so we have to use perf_counter or process_time.

Here’s an example of how to use ‘perf_counter’:

import time

def my_timeclock():
    # simulate some work

start_time = time.perf_counter()


end_time = time.perf_counter()

elapsed_time = end_time - start_time

print("Elapsed time: {:.2f} seconds".format(elapsed_time))

Code example explanation:

In the code example, define a function my_timeclock() that simulates some work through calling time.sleep(2).

Then, we use time.perf_counter() to measure the time taken through the function to execute.

If we run the code example above, we should see output like this:

C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
Elapsed time: 2.01 seconds

Output explanation:

This tells us that the my_timeclock() took approximately 2.01 seconds to execute. The actual time may vary slightly depending on the performance of the system in running the code.

Furthermore, you can use ‘process_time‘ to measure the CPU time taken through your code.

Here’s an example on how to use time.process_time() to measure the CPU time used through a function in Python:

import time

def my_cpu():
    # simulate some work
    for i in range(10000000):

start_time = time.process_time()


end_time = time.process_time()

cpu_time = end_time - start_time

print("CPU time used: {:.2f} seconds".format(cpu_time))

Code explanation for ‘process_time ‘ function:

In this example, we define a function my_cpu() that simulates some work through looping 10 million times.

Then, we use time.process_time() to measure the CPU time used through the function to execute.

If you run this code, we should see the output like this:

C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\
CPU time used: 0.12 seconds

Output explanation:

This tells us that my_cpu() function used approximately 0.12 seconds of CPU time to execute. The actual time may vary slightly depending on the performance of the system running the code.


Can I still use the clock() function in Python 3.8?

No, the clock() function is not available in Python 3.8. You should use the perf_counter() or monotonic() functions instead.

Why was the clock() function removed from Python 3.x?

The clock() function was removed from Python 3.x because it was not very accurate and was dependent on the system’s clock settings. The perf_counter() and process_time() functions were replace to provide more accurate and reliable ways of measuring time in python.


In conclusion, we provide the solutions on how to resolve the attributeerror: module time has no attribute clock. Through replacing the ‘clock()’ function with ‘time.perf_counter()’ or ‘time.process_time()’ functions.

That’s it! We hope this article will be able to help you to run your python code projects smoothly.

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