Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’

In this article, we will fix the Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’ error. Also, we will provide causes and a brief discussion about this error.

Let’s begin!

Matplotlib is a popular data visualization library in Python. It provides a range of functions to plot various types of charts and graphs.

One of the functions is bar_label, which is used to label bars in a bar chart.

However, sometimes users encounter an error message that says AttributeError: ‘Axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’.

What is bar__label?

The bar_label function is a Matplotlib function that is used to label bars in a bar chart. It is an optional parameter that can be used with the bar function.

Additionally, the function takes a sequence of labels as input, which are then displayed on top of the bars in the chart.

This function is useful in cases where you want to display the values of each bar in the chart.

What is Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’?

This Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’ error usually occurs in Python when you are trying to use the bar_label() function on a AxesSubplot object that does not support it.

Since, bar_label() function is used to add labels to the bars of a bar chart. It was introduced in Matplotlib version 3.4, so if you are using an earlier version of Matplotlib, you may encounter this error.

Causes of ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’

The following are several causes of the ‘AttributeError: ‘Axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label” error.

  • One of the most common causes is using an outdated version of Matplotlib.
    • If you are using an outdated version of Matplotlib, the `bar_label method may not be recognized by the axessubplot object, leading to the error message.
  • The axessubplot object is not a valid type for the bar_label method.
    • For example, if you try to use the bar_label method on a scatter plot or line plot, you will receive the error message because these plot types do not have bars that can be labeled.

How to fix Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’

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Here are the steps you can take to fix this error Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’.

  1. Upgrade Matplotlib

    Check the version of Matplotlib you are using. The bar_label method was added in version 3.4.0, so if you are using an earlier version, you will need to update Matplotlib.

    You can upgrade Matplotlib by running the command in your terminal or command prompt:

    pip install –upgrade matplotlib

  2. Import bar_label

    Import the bar_label method from Matplotlib’s axes module using the following line of code:

    from matplotlib.axes import Axes

  3. Call bar_label method on a BarContainer object

    Make sure you are calling the bar_label method on a BarContainer object. If you are calling it on an AxesSubplot object instead, you will get the “AttributeError” message.

    To get the BarContainer object, you can assign the output of the bar method to a variable and call the bar_label method on that variable, as shown in the example below:

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    bars =[‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’], [1, 2, 3])
    ax.bar_label(bars, labels=[1, 2, 3])

    Call bar_label method on a BarContainer object

    In this example, bars is a BarContainer object that contains the bars that were created using the bar method.

    The bar_label method is then called on bars, with the labels argument specifying the text to be displayed on top of each bar.

  4. Show thcall the show method on your Figure object

    Finally, make sure to call the show method on your Figure object to display the chart. For example:

Here is the code to test if the error is fixed.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
bars =['A', 'B', 'C'], [1, 2, 3])
ax.bar_label(bars, labels=[1, 2, 3])


Attributeerror 'axessubplot' object has no attribute 'bar_label' output
Attributeerror ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’ output


In conclusion, Attributeerror: ‘axessubplot’ object has no attribute ‘bar_label’ is an error that usually occurs in Python when you are trying to use the bar_label() function on a AxesSubplot object that does not support it.

By following the given solutions above, surely it will fix the attribute error.

We hope that this article has provided you with the information you need to fix this error and continue working with Python.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you’re encountering we also have AttributeError: module ‘aiobotocore’ has no attribute ‘aiosession’ error.

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