Typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer

Struggling to fix this “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message in Python?

This article is indeed for you, want to know why?

In this article, we’ll explore how to troubleshoot this error message.

Apart from that, we’ll also discuss what this error means, why does it occur.

Certainly, the different solutions that will resolved the “bytes object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message.

So, keep on reading…!

What is “bytes” object in Python?

A bytes object in Python is a built-in data type that is used to represent sequence of bytes.

It is similar to a string, but instead of containing characters, it contains bytes.

Bytes objects are immutable, which means that once they are created, their contents cannot be changed.

What is “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message?

The “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message occurs when you are trying to perform an operation that expects an integer value.

But you pass a bytes object instead.

This error message specifically indicates that you are trying to treat a bytes object as an int (integer) object.

To fix this error, you have to ensure that you are using the correct data types for your variables and operations.

If you need to perform a numerical calculation. ensure to use an integer instead of a bytes object.

You can also use the int() function to convert a bytes object to an integer if necessary.

Why this error occurs?

This ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer error message occur for several reasons, but here are the most common:

→ If you try to perform an operation that requires an integer, but pass in a bytes object instead, Python will raise this error.

→ If you try to perform arithmetic operations on these bytes objects directly, you will get a typeerror because they cannot be interpreted as integers.

→ If you are trying to perform a bitwise operation (like &, |, or ^) on a bytes object and an int object.

→ If you are trying to call a function or method that expects an integer value, but passing a bytes object instead.

→ If you are using the wrong data type for a variable or operation.

→ If you try to perform an operation on an uninitialized variable or object.

→ If you are using external libraries or modules in your Python code, make sure that they are compatible with your current version of Python

How to fix “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer”

Solution 1: Decode the bytes object before using it

If you have a byte object that needs to be converted to an integer, you can first decode it using the appropriate encoding scheme.

For instance, to decode a bytes object in UTF-8 format, you can use the decode() method, as you can see in the example code below:

a = b'143'
b = int(a.decode('utf-8'))



Solution 2: Convert the bytes object to an int object

Convert the bytes object to an int object before performing arithmetic operations.

You can do this by calling the built-in int() function on each byte in the bytes object.

bytes_obj = b'\01\02\03\04'
total = 0

for b in bytes_obj:
    total += int(b)




Solution 3: Use sum() function

Use the built-in sum() function to add up all the bytes in the bytes object.

The sum() function automatically converts the bytes to integers.

bytes_obj = b'\1\2\3\4\5'
total = sum(bytes_obj)




Solution 4: Convert the bytes object to a bytearray object

You can convert the bytes object to a bytearray object, which allows you to perform arithmetic operations on the individual bytes.

bytes_obj = b'\1\2\3\4\5\6'
byte_arr = bytearray(bytes_obj)
total = 0

for b in byte_arr:
    total += b




Solution 5: Use the struct module to convert the bytes object

Use the struct module to convert the bytes object to a tuple of integers.

This solution is useful when the bytes object contains packed binary data that represents multiple integer values.

import struct

bytes_obj = b'\1\2\3\4\5\6\7'
values = struct.unpack('BBBBBBB', bytes_obj)
total = sum(values)




Solution 6: Use the int.from_bytes() method

If you want to interpret the bytes object as a single integer value, you can use the int.from_bytes() method to convert the bytes to an integer.

You just have to specify the byte order (little-endian or big-endian) and the byte size (in this case, 7 bytes):

bytes_obj = b'\1\2\3\4'
value = int.from_bytes(bytes_obj, byteorder='big', signed=False)




Tips to avoid the “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message

To avoid the “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message in Python.

Here are some tips to avoid encountering this error:

✔ Make sure that you’re using the correct data type for the operation you’re performing.

✔ Check that you’re using the correct method for the data type.

✔ Ensure that you’re using the correct byte order when converting bytes to an integer. The byte order determines how the bytes should be interpreted as an integer.

✔ Use the decode() method to convert the bytes object to a string before performing string operations. This will avoid the need to interpret bytes as integers.

✔ If you’re working with bytes, consider using the bytearray type instead. Bytearrays are mutable and allow you to modify the contents of the bytes directly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do you convert a string to a bytes object in Python?

You can easily convert a string to a bytes object in Python with the use of encode() method.

For instance: s = ‘hello’, b = s.encode(‘utf-8’).

How do you convert a bytes object to a string in Python?

You can easily convert a bytes object to a string in Python with the use of decode() method.

For instance: b = b’hello’, s = b.decode(‘utf-8’).

Can you perform bitwise operations on bytes objects in Python?

No, you cannot perform bitwise operations on bytes objects in Python. You need to convert the bytes object to an integer first.


By executing the different solutions that this article has already given, you can easily fix the “typeerror: ‘bytes’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error message while working with Python.

We are hoping that this article provides you with sufficient solutions.

You could also check out other “typeerror” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this article.