Typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor [SOLVED]

In this article, we will guide you on how to troubleshoot the “typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor” error message.

This error message happens when you work with JavaScript, and it might be hard for you to fix, especially if you’re new to this.

Fortunately, this article is here to lessen your burden trying to figure out what this error “this.clienginector is not a constructor” means, why it occurs, and how to fix it.

It is good to have a better understanding of “typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor” error message.

So that you can avoid encountering this error in the future again.

What is a constructor function in JavaScript?

A constructor function is a special type of function in JavaScript that allows you to create and initialize objects with specific properties and methods.

You can use a constructor function to create multiple objects of the same type, without having to repeat the code for each object.

What is “typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor”?

This error is “typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor” occurs when you are trying to create an object using a constructor function or method.

But the constructor that you’re trying to use doesn’t exist or is not properly defined.

In a nutshell, the object being referenced cannot be instantiated as a new object.

This is because the “this.clienginector” keyword is not recognized as a constructor function.

What are the root causes of “typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor”?

This error can occur for several reasons such as:

  • The object being referenced was never declared as a constructor.
  • The object being referenced was declared as a constructor, but it was not instantiated correctly.
  • The object being referenced is not available in the current scope.

How to fix “typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor”

Here are the different ways to fix this typeerror this.clienginector is not a constructor.

1. Verify you code

Checking or verifying your code, especially the spelling of the constructor function name, is the very first thing you need to do.

function ClientConnector() {
  // ...

// Correct spelling of constructor function name
let connector = new ClientConnector();

2: Specify the constructor function as a class instead of a function

It defines a class called ClientConnector with a constructor function or method that is used to create instances of the class.

class ClientConnector {
  constructor() {
    // ...

let connector = new ClientConnector();

For example:

class ClientConnector {
  constructor() {
    this.host = 'sample.com';
    this.port = 0000;

  connect() {
    console.log(`Connecting to ${this.host}:${this.port}`);

let connector = new ClientConnector();
connector.connect(); // Output: "Connecting to sample.com:0000"

In this solution, it defines a class called ClientConnector with a constructor method that is used to create instances of the class.

3. Use a factory function to create the object instead of a constructor function

This is an alternative way to create a client connector in JavaScript.

Instead of using a class and constructor, it uses a factory function that returns an object with properties and methods.

function createClientConnector() {
  return {
    // ...

let connector = createClientConnector();

For example:

function createClientConnector(host, port) {
  return {
    connect: function() {
      console.log(`Connecting to ${host}:${port}`);

let connector = createClientConnector('sample.com', 0000);
connector.connect(); // Output: "Connecting to sample.com:0000"

In this solution, the constructor method defines two properties on each new instance of the ClientConnector class: host and port.

Aside from that, it creates a new connector object with the createClientConnector function and assigns it to the connector variable. 

4. Check the construction function

Make sure that the contractor functions and is designated properly.

If you are using a function, ensure that it has a constructor function.

function ClientConnector() {
// ...

// Correct spelling of constructor function name
let connector = new ClientConnector();

If you are using class, ensure that you have a constructor method inside your class definition.

class Clienginector {
    constructor() {
      // ...

5. Import the constructor function from a different file or module

When the constructor function is defined in a different file or module, ensure that it is imported correctly using the appropriate syntax.

// In client-connector.js file
export default class ClientConnector {
  // ...

// In main.js file
import ClientConnector from './client-connector.js';

let connector = new ClientConnector();


By executing the different solutions that this article has given, you can easily fix the “Typeerror: this.clienginector is not a constructor” error message while working in JavaScript.

We are hoping that this article provides you with sufficient solutions; if yes, we would love to hear some thoughts from you.

You could also check out other “typeerror” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

Thank you very much for reading to the end of this article.

Just in case you have more questions or inquiries, feel free to comment, and you can also visit our official website for additional information.

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