Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

The Music Store Management System in C++ with MySQL must manage a wide range of musical objects that come in a variety of models and styles.

On a regular basis, maintaining all musical records, such as creating orders, calculating bills, adding new music to the database, editing the music description, and deleting any item from a big music collection, was a difficult chore.

This is a C++ music store manager application with a MySQL database that can place orders, compute bills, add new music to the database, change music descriptions, and delete any item.

It also displays the total amount of music in stock and can locate specific music. It keeps all of the data in a MySQL database.

What is Music Store Management System in C++?

It’s a file structure-based C++ Mini Project. It keeps track of all musical records, such as adding new music data, editing the description, and deleting any item. It also displays all of the music in the store and can locate certain music.

Features of Music Store Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

Orders can be placed, music can be found, sold items can be found, items in stock can be found, all items can be found, new items can be added, and old items can be removed.

  • Create an Order Module – Here, the user can create an order, choose goods, delete items, purchase products, and see the total cost of the order. The user has the option of selecting the same item.
  • Search Music Module – Name, Category, Type, and Artist are four main categories that users can use to find their song.
  • Sold Items Module – It indicates how many and what types of things were sold.
  • Item in Stock Module – It displays the item that is in stock, indicating that the item’s quantity is greater than zero.
  • Show all Items Module – Displays all of the database’s items.
  • Add New Item Module – In the database, create a new item.
  • Edit Item Module – You can change the content of any item.
  • Remove Item Movie – Any object in the database can be deleted.
  • Exit Module – Exit the application of the program.

Existing System: Music Store Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

Music, as well as music-related objects, have become an inextricable part of our lives. Music is one of the most powerful soothers and heals of a broken heart.

These music pieces are purchased from music stores by customers. A manual Music shop is all that an existing system is. There are numerous disadvantages to running a music store by hand.

Customers will go to such music stores and look for a specific CD/Cassette in such systems. Only if the music CD/cassette is available will they purchase it. This system is not without flaws.

About ProjectProject Details
Project Name :Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySql
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C++ Programming Language
Developer Name
IDE Tool (Recommended):Codeblocks
Project Type :Desktop Application
Database:MySQL Database
Upload DateMarch 17, 2022
Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database Information

Screenshot Module: Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

Main Menu Module: Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database
Add New Item module Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database
Create order module
Find Music Module
Sold Items Module Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database
Items in Stock Module Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database
Show All Items Module Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database
Edit Module Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database

Database and Table Name: Music Store Management System in C++ and MySQL Database

  • Table Name: guests, rooms
  • Database: hoteldb
  • Sever and Library Usage: XAMPP Server, MySql Headers, MySql Libs

Anyway if you want level up your knowledge in programming especially C/C++ Programming Language, try this new article I’ve made for you Best C Projects with Source Code for Beginners Free Download 2022.

To run this Music Store Management System in C++ and MYSQL make sure that you have a Code BlocksDEV C++ or any platform of C++ installed in your computer.

Music Store Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database Steps On How To Run The Project

Time needed: 5 minutes

Music Store Management System Project in C++ and MySQL

  • Step 1: Download the Source Code

    First, Download the source code given below.
    download source code for Hotel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

  • Step 2: Extract File

    Then, after you finished download the source code, extract the zip file.
    extract in Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

  • Step 3: Open Code Blocks

    Next, After extracting the zip file, open your “Code Blocks IDE”.
    open codeblocks in Hotel Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database

  • Step 4: Open Project File.

    After that, open file tab and Open File after that open folder “MusicManagementSystem_C++_MYSQL” click the “MusicManagementSystem_C++_MYSQL“.
    open project file in Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

  • Step 5: Run Project

    Lastly, Click build tab and select build & run or you can use the shortcut key f10.
    run project in Music Store Management System Project in C++ with MySQL Database

  • Step 6: The actual code.

    Finally, You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.

Downloadable Source Code

In Summary

Change will always be necessary in the future, and this applies to software development as well, but these changes should be noticeable.

These significant changes will force the software to compete for its existence in a competitive market. As a result, it is vital to consider future enhancements now. The ‘Music Store Management Solution’ system will meet all of the clients’ requirements.

The system was created in response to the company’s current needs. For the sake of end users, the system is designed to be as simple as feasible.

Thank you, and Happy CODING!


If you have any questions or suggestions about Music Store Management System Project in C++ and MySQL Database, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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