Law Firm Management System Thesis Chapter 3

Law Firm Management System Thesis Chapter 3

This Law Firm Management System Thesis Chapter 3 is all about the step-by-step method on how the proponents will design and develop the proposed study.

SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT LIFE CYCLE (SDLC) or the Software Development Life Cycle is a process that produces software with the highest quality and lowest cost in the shortest time.

SDLC includes a detailed plan for how to develop, alter, maintain, and replace a software system. It involves several distinct stages, including planning, design, building, testing, and development.

In short, SDLC works by lowering the cost of software development while simultaneously improving quality and shortening production time. In this study, the proponents will use the RAD or the Rapid Application Development Methodology as a guide for processing the proponents’ system flow.


Figure 1: Rapid Application Development Methodology

Figure 1: Shows the RAD or Rapid Application Development Diagram that is used by the proponents as their guide for the system. It shows the step-by-step process of the proponents and the research on how the system will be implemented and done from the beginning process until the end.

Rapid Application Development is easier to use than other methodology, specifically compared to the waterfall method which is not that effective; the diagram shows the step-by-step process so that the proponents can make sure that the system that they are proposing will be effective and the problems that might encounter can be redo by reviewing every step.

In RAD, the proponents can make multiple iterations and updates rapidly without starting again from scratch every time the proponents wanted to change something.

The advantage of RAD model from the other methodologies is the efficiency in consuming the time of the proponents in implementing the system.

Analysis and Quick Design of Law Firm Management System Thesis

In this phase, the proponents analyzed the information and data that they gathered so that the proponents can foresee what design they will make that will suit for the process for the proponents study.


The information and data that the proponents gathered will be their guide in creating an efficient and effective interface. With the help of development tools and guides, the proponents’ system can now start to create its structure and functions.


The proponents will use the guides to know if there is an error in the proposed system so that they will be able to change and correct the errors that the system might encounter.


The proponents will tackle the process on how to use the proposed system in order for the users to easily and efficiently manage and manipulate the proposed system.

Testing and Implementation

The proponents will make sure that the proposed system is functioning well, easy to use and easy to understand. The proponents must do the testing to be able to know the requirements that is still needed for the proposed system and to be able to redo it.

The proponents must conduct a system testing to the administration of law firms and ask more suggestions if there’s still something to be change or add. The proposed system is only implemented to the Law Firm.

Case Study: Law Firm Management System

For this mini case, the task is to make a design for a system that can be used to manage transactions and etc. The name of the proposed system is Law Firm Management System.

The system provides efficient managing in terms of transactions. The Law Firm Administrator itself manages all of the transactions the system have.

Lawyers in the organization are the one who assigned schedule and availability to each client.  The transaction of each client are managed by a Lawyer if what the cases are and where, and defining the cases schedule.

The Lawyers organization or the Law Firm aims to use the Law Firm Management System to get a better control and visibility to the transaction management and to also streamline the process of generating and managing schedules for different cases.

Law Firm Management System with SMS Notification Use Case Model

Figure 2: Law Firm Management System with SMS Notification Use Case Diagram

Figure 2: This figure shows the generalization of use cases of the proposed system

Manage Lawyer’s Information

Figure 3: Manage Lawyer’s Information Use Case Diagram

Figure 3: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage lawyer use

Table 2. Manage Lawyers Information

Use Case Name:Manage Lawyer’s Information
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how the Law Firm Administrator manages the Lawyer’s information by adding new Lawyer and modifying existing ones.
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects Add New Lawyer Law Firm Administrator inputs and submit lawyers information Law Firm Administrator selects Modify Existing Information Law Firm Administrator inputs new Lawyers information Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the lawyers info has been modified, or if not, a message explaining the failure Law Firm Administrator view Lawyers transactionSystem invokes Create Add New Lawyer and display form 2.1 System validates Lawyers information 2.2 System will display the new lawyer’s info into the Lawyer’s info table System invokes Modify Existing Lawyer System validates lawyer’s information 6.1 System will display the transaction of the lawyer
Alternative Flows:Lawyers information validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 2Lawyers modification validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 4
Business Rules:Lawyer’s information validation script/code conditions

Table 2: Shows the flow of managing the Lawyers Information.

Manage Transaction

Figure 4: Manage Transaction Use Case Diagram

Figure 4: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage transaction use case

Table 3. Manage Transaction

Use Case Name:Manage Transaction
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how the Law Firm Administrator manages all of the transactions by creating new transactions and modifying existing ones.
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects Add New Transaction Law Firm Administrator input and submit transaction Law Firm Administrator selects Modify Existing Transaction Law Firm Administrator inputs new transaction Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the transaction has been modified, or if not, a message explaining the failureSystem invokes Add New Transaction and display form 2.1. System validates transaction 2.2. System will display the new transaction into the Lawyer’s info table 3.1. System invokes Modify Existing Transaction 4.1. System validates transaction
Alternative Flows:2.1. Transactions’ validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 2 4.1. Transactions’ modification validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 4
Business Rules:Transactions’ validation script/code conditions

Table 3: Shows the flow of managing the Transactions

Manage Cases Information

Figure 5: Manage Cases Use Case Diagram

Figure 5: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage cases use case

Table 4. Manage Cases

Use Case Name:Manage Cases
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how the Law Firm Administrator manages all of the cases by creating new cases and modifying existing ones.
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects Add New Case Law Firm Administrator input and submit the new cases’ information Law Firm Administrator selects Modify Existing Cases Law Firm Administrator inputs new case Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the new case has been modified, or if not, a message explaining the failureSystem invokes Add New Case and display form 2.1. System validates case 2.2. System will display the new case into the Cases’ info table 3.1. System invokes Modify Existing Cases 4.1. System validates cases
Alternative Flows:2.1. Cases’ information validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 2 4.1. Cases’ modification validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 4
Business Rules:Cases’ information validation script/code conditions

Table 4: Shows the flow of managing the Cases.

Manage Location’s Information

Figure 6: Manage Locations’ Information Use Case Diagram

Figure 6: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage locations use case

Table 5. Manage Locations

Use Case Name:Manage Locations
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how the Law Firm Administrator manages all of the locations by creating new locations and modifying existing ones.
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects Add New Location Law Firm Administrator input and submit the new locations’ information Law Firm Administrator selects Modify Existing Locations Law Firm Administrator inputs new location Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the new case has been modified, or if not, a message explaining the failureSystem invokes Add New Location and display form 2.1. System validates location 2.2. System will display the new location into the Locations’ info table 3.1. System invokes Modify Existing Location 4.1. System validates location
Alternative Flows:2.1. Locations’ information validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 2 4.1. Locations’ modification validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 4
Business Rules:Locations’ information validation script/code conditions

Table 5: Shows the flow of managing the Locations

Manage Schedule

Figure 7: Manage Schedule Use Case Diagram

Figure 7: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage schedule use case

Table 6. Manage Schedule

Use Case Name:Manage Schedule
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how the Law Firm Administrator manages the schedule of the lawyers by scheduling transactions and modifying existing schedules.
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects Add New Schedule Law Firm Administrator input and submit new Schedule Law Firm Administrator selects view Schedule Law Firm Administrator selects Modify Existing Information Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the new schedule has been modified, or if not, a message explaining the failure Law Administrator selects Delete Schedule1.1. System invokes Add New Schedule and display form 2.1. System validates schedule 2.2. System will display the new schedule into the schedule’s info table 3.1. System will display the schedule’s information 4.1. System invokes Modify Existing Schedule 6.1. System invokes Delete Schedule
Alternative Flows:2.2. Conflict in schedule, go to step 2 4.1. Conflict in schedule, go to step 4 6.1. Deletion of scheduled course failed, display an error message that explains why the process failed, and go to step 6
Business Rules:2.2. Algorithm/Script that checks conflict schedules in transactions

Table 6: Shows the flow of managing the Schedule.

Manage Client’s Information

Figure 8: Manage Client’s Information Use Case Diagram

Figure 8: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage clients use case

Table 7. Manage Clients Information

Use Case Name:Manage Client’s Information
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how a Law Firm Administrator manages the client’s information by modifying existing ones
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects Add New Client Law Firm Administrator input and submit client’s information Law Firm Administrator selects Modify Existing Information Law Firm Administrator inputs new Clients information Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system that the clients info has been modified, or if not, a message explaining the failure Law Firm Administrator view clients transaction 1.1. System invokes Add New Client and display form 2.1. System validates Client’s information 2.2 System will display the new client’s info into the Client’s info table 3.1 System invokes Modify Existing Client System validates client’s information 6.1 System will display the      transaction of the client
Alternative Flows:Clients information validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 2 4.1 Clients modification validation failed, display an error message, and go to step 4
Business Rules:2.1. Clients information validation script/code conditions

Table 7: Shows the flow of managing the Clients Information

Manage Appointments

Figure 9: Manage Appointment’s Use Case Diagram

Figure 9: This figure shows the breakdown processes of the manage appointments use case

Table 8. Manage Appointment

Use Case Name:Manage Appointment
Actors:Law Firm Administrator
Description:This use case describes how the Law Firm Administrator manages the appointments of the clients by viewing it
Pre-conditions:Law Firm Administrator is logged into Law Firm Management System
Post-conditions:Law Firm Administrator has received an acknowledgement from the system successful or not completed
Normal Flow:ActorSystem
Law Firm Administrator selects view Appointment1.1. System will display the Appointment’s information
Alternative Flows:1.1. Failed viewing appointment, display an error code, go to step 1
Business Rules:1.1. Cases’ information validation script/code conditions

Table 8: Shows the flow of managing the Appointment.


Figure 10: Lawyers Information Activity Diagram

Figure 10: Shows the activities done in managing the lawyers’ information

Figure 11: Transactions’ Activity Diagram

Figure 11: Shows the Activities happens in managing transaction

Figure 12: Case Information Activity Diagram

Figure 12: Shows the activities happens in managing the case information.

Figure 13: Locations Information Activity Diagram

Figure 13: Shows the activities happens in managing the locations information.

Figure 14: Schedule Activity Diagram

Figure 14: Shows the activities happens in managing the schedules.

Figure 15: Clients’ Information Activity Diagram

Figure 15: Shows the activities happens in managing clients’ information.

Figure 16: Appointments’ Activity Diagram

Figure 16: Shows the activities happens in managing appointments.


Figure 17: Context Diagram

Figure 17: Shows the main actors and main process of the Law Firm Management System and its flow of data.


Figure 18: Law Firm Management System Data Flow Diagram Level 0

Figure 18: Shows the breakdown processes of the context diagram of the system.

Figure 19: Lawyer’s Information Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 19: Shows the breakdown processes of the level 0 Lawyer’s information.

Figure 20: Client’s Information Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 20: Shows the breakdown processes of the Client’s Information.

Figure 21: Cases’ Information Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 21: Shows the breakdown processes in managing Cases’ Information.

Figure 22: Location’s Information Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 22: Shows the breakdown processes in managing Locations’ Information

Figure 23: Transactions Information Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 23: Shows the breakdown processes in managing transactions.

Figure 24: Schedules Information Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 24: Shows the breakdown processes in managing schedules.

Figure 25: Appointments Level 1 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 25: Shows the breakdown processes in managing appointments.

Entity Relationship Diagram of Law Firm Management System w/ SMS Alert

Data Dictionaries

These tables below provide the entire database tables details such as Field Name, Description, Type and Length.

Table 9. Lawyers

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Lawyer IDLawyers ID numberInt50
First NameFirst Name of LawyerVarchar225
Last NameLast Name of LawyerVarchar225
AgeAge of LawyerVarchar225
GenderGender of LawyerVarchar225
ProvinceLawyers’ ProvinceVarchar225
City/MunicipalityLawyers’ AddressVarchar225
Email AddressLawyers’ Email AddVarchar225
TypeType of LawyerVarchar225
Contact NoContact Number of LawyerVarchar225

Table 9: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Lawyers Table.

Table 10. Transaction

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Trans IDTransactions ID numberInt50
Case IDCases ID numberInt50
Date & TimeDate & Time of transactionVarchar225
Lawyer IDLawyers ID numberInt50
Client IDClients ID numberInt50

Table 10: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Transactions   Table.

Table 11. Cases

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Case IDCases’ ID numberInt50
Case NameName of CasesVarchar225
DescriptionDescription of CasesText 

Table 11: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Cases Table.

Table 12. Location

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Location IDLocations’ ID numberInt50
LocationName of LocationVarchar225

Table 12: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Locations Table.

Table 13. Schedule

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Sched IDSchedules ID numberInt50
Date & TimeDate & Time of ScheduleVarchar225
Location IDLocations’ ID numberInt50
Trans IDTransactions’ ID numberInt50

Table 13: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Schedules Table.

Table 14. Clients

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Client IDClients’ ID numberInt50
First NameFirst Name of ClientVarchar225
Last NameLast Name of ClientVarchar225
ProvinceClients’ ProvinceVarchar225
City/MunicipalityClients’ AddressVarchar225
AgeAge of ClientVarchar225
GenderGender of ClientVarchar225
StatusStatus of ClientVarchar225
Contact NoContact Number of ClientVarchar225
CitizenshipCitizenship of ClientVarchar225

Table 14: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Clients Table.

Table 15. Appointments

Field NameDescriptionTypeLength
Client IDClients’ ID numberInt50

Table 15: This shows the description, type and length of fields in Appointment Table.

Architectural Framework of Law Firm Management System with SMS Alert


System Requirements

  • Windows XP or later
  • CPU with SSE2 support, including Intel Premium M, Core or Atom, AMD Athlon 64 or later
  • 1 GB or more Computer RAM
  • 1024×768 Screen Resolution

Hardware Specification:

The proponents’ used laptops Windows XP or later, a CPU with SSE2 support, including Intel Premium M, Core or Atom, AMD Athlon 64 or later 1 GB or more Computer RAM 1024×768 Screen Resolution

Software used for System Development:

  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2008
  • PHPMyAdmin

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