Hospital Management System Project in C with Source Code

The Hospital Management System is being developed in C programming language, it is based on the concept of managing a patient’s record of a hospital.

There’s no login system available for this system, the user can freely use its features.

A Simple C Program For Hospital Management System creates an external file to store the user’s data permanently.

Talking about the features of this Hospital Management System In C, the user can perform the CRUD operations to it.

However, add patient details by entering his/her name, disease name, phone number, cabin number, etc.

The user can also view all the available patient information records. Such as details and searching a patient by name, age, disease, and cabin number.

Besides, the user can edit information as well as remove a patient’s whole date or only his/her name, phone number, disease name, and cabin number.

Also, This mini project Hospital Management System In C Language includes a downloadable Hospital Management System Code for free and for educational purposes only.

Project Information and Recommended Tools

Project Name :Simple Hospital Management System
Project Platform :C/C++
Programming Language Used:C Programming Language
IDE Tool (Recommended):Dev-C++/Codeblocks
Database:Stores data in .DAT file
Simple Hospital Management System In C With Source Code Information

Anyway, to start creating a Simple Hospital Management System In C , make sure that you have a Dev-C/Code Blocks or any platform of C installed in your computer.

What is a hospital information management system?

The Hospital Information Management System (HIMS) is developed with this sole aim in mind, which helps in processing and management of hospital information not only inside the boundary, but also beyond the hospital boundary, e.g., telemedicine or e-healthcare (According to “

Why is hospital management important?

A hospital management system promotes communication between providers and patients and improves patient experiences. The frequent interventions and connected care enabled after patients’ hospital discharge to post-acute care reduces the risk of readmission(according to ““).

What are the advantages of hospital?

However, hospitals have advance facilities and technologies to sustain the lives of the people. This place is not only treating sickness but it also helps improving the health of the community.

Many hospitals are creating programs that offer financial assistance to patients who cannot afford to pay for hospital care (According to ““).

How to create a Hospital Management System In C?

Time needed: 5 minutes

Here are the steps on how to create a Hospital Management System In C.

  • Step 1: Create a new project.

    First open the code blocks IDE and click “create a new project“.Simple Hospital Management System In C Project

  • Step 2: Choose console application.

    Second click the “console application” and after that click “next“.
    Simple Hospital Management System In C Console

  • Step 3: Choose C language.

    Third choose “C language” and click “next“.
    Simple Hospital Management System In C Console C

  • Step 4: Name your project.

    Fourth name the project you’ve created and click “next” after that click “finish“.
    Simple Hospital Management System In C Project Title

  • Step 5: The actual code.

    You are free to copy the given source code below or download the downloadable source code given.

Downloadable Source Code


It creates an external file to store the user’s data permanently. Like, add patient details by entering his/her name, disease name, phone number, cabin number, etc.

The user can also view all the available patient records and search for a patient by name, age, and disease, Besides, the user can edit information as well as remove a patient’s whole date.

Plus, Read or visit the other interesting language used in the hospital management system.


If you have any questions or suggestions about the Hospital Management System Project In C , please feel free to leave a comment below.

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