This Capstone and Thesis Online Archiving System Using PHP was proposed by a fourth-year Bachelor of Science in Information Technology undergraduate students as their capstone project in this academic year.
This was proposed to enable the process of accessing data and information from past research of students in order to produce timely, reliable, and accurate information.
This Capstone and Theses Online Archiving System with Integrated PREPOSTSEO: PLAGIARISM CHECKER is an online system that serves as a repository of all capstone and thesis submitted by the undergraduate students of a prestige school here in the Philippines.
The said system has two operating systems namely, the capstone online archiving system and the integrated existing plagiarism checker to be used by the administrator.
This provides online access to the said information stored in the community of the said school.
You can download the full source code of the Online Archiving System using PHP here. sscbc
And here’s the database.sscbcdb (2).
If you have any questions or suggestions about the Thesis Online Archiving System Using PHP, please feel free to contact me at our contact page.
Advantages of Thesis Online Archiving System using PHP
The following are the advantages of the Online Thesis Archiving System using PHP:
Being online, the system can be accessed from anywhere, anytime. This makes it convenient for students and faculty to access these when needed.
An online system can have powerful search features, making it easy to find relevant theses based on various parameters like topic, author, year, etc.
Storage and Organization
It provides a centralized location for storing and organizing all these, which can be particularly useful for large institutions.
Digital archiving helps preserve these for future reference and reduces the risk of physical damage or loss.
It can streamline the process of submitting and reviewing theses, saving time for both students and faculty.
Some systems might allow for collaborative features like commenting or annotation, which can aid in the review process.
Environmentally Friendly
Digital archiving is more sustainable than physical storage as it reduces paper usage.
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I need admin password can you please tell me. Thank you very much
what is username and passwor
Where Database ?
Sir ano po yung user name and password nung admin?
sir, there is no username and password in databse, just apear “Account does not exist! Please contact Administrator.” help
username and password please. Thank you
username and password please. Thank you
Open the database. Open the tblusers table, change admin’s PASS column from:
Then login with:
Username: admin
password: password123
Open the database. Open the tblusers table, change admin’s PASS column from:
Then login with:
Username: admin
password: password123
Thank you
When I loan the website, there is a message “Deprecated: __autoload() is deprecated, use spl_autoload_register() instead in C:\Apache24\htdocs\research\include\function.php on line 37”. Can I know how to solve this?
I got also same problem
What is your problem?
Pagination not working
sir procedure on how to full source code this system
Warning: require_once(C:/xampp/htdocs\sscbc\include\config.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\thesis\sscbc\include\initialize.php on line 14
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘C:/xampp/htdocs\sscbc\include\config.php’ (include_path=’C:\xampp\php\PEAR’) in C:\xampp\htdocs\thesis\sscbc\include\initialize.php on line 14
Sir please explain the above errors to me.
The code worked and the user interface opened correctly but when I click login it directed me to
and it just shown blank page. What will I down to make it work.
Sir, can I get the updated version of the system?
I was so relieve when I get bump to this free php source code since we are about to open archive system of our works About for the Administrator Tab why it says “meal.php could not be found.” when I delete specific thesis or data. Please Help me thank you! I really appreciate it so much salamat..
What dou you mean you delete specific data
You delete the specific thesis or data in sql database?
Warning: require_once(C:/xampp/htdocs\sscbcdb\include\config.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\arc\include\initialize.php on line 14
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required ‘C:/xampp/htdocs\sscbcdb\include\config.php’ (include_path=’\xampp\php\PEAR’) in C:\xampp\htdocs\arc\include\initialize.php:14 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\arc\index.php(3): require_once() #1 {main} thrown in C:\xampp\htdocs\arc\include\initialize.php on line 14
you change the folder name?
what should I do sir?
What do you mean?
admin username and password ?