Valueerror: unknown engine: openpyxl

In programming and data analysis, encountering errors is not inevitable. One of the common errors that programmers often encounter is the ValueError: Unknown Engine: Openpyxl.

This error typically occurs when you are working with Excel files using the openpyxl library, which is a popular choice for reading and writing data in Excel files with Python.

Whether you’re an experienced developer or a beginner, this overall guide will provide you with the knowledge and expertise needed to resolve this challenge.

Understanding the ValueError: Unknown Engine Openpyxl

Before we move on to the example and solutions, let’s first understand what the ValueError: Unknown Engine: Openpyxl actually means.

This error usually occurs when the openpyxl library is not able to perceive or find the defined engine while trying to read or write data in an Excel file.

Solutions to Resolve the ValueError Unknown Engine: openpyxl

Here are the following solutions to fix the Valueerror unknown engine: openpyxl.

Solution 1: Install ‘openpyxl’ and its Dependencies

The first way to fix the “ValueError: Unknown Engine openpyxl” error is to assure that the ‘openpyxl’ library is installed in your Python environment.

You can install it using the following command:

!pip install openpyxl

Also, ensure that you have the required dependencies, such as ‘xlrd‘ and ‘xlwt‘, installed. Use the commands above to install them if they are missing.

Solution 2: Check the ‘openpyxl’ Version

Sometimes, the “ValueError” error may occur due to an incompatible version of ‘openpyxl’.

Make sure that you are using the latest stable version of the library.

You can upgrade ‘openpyxl‘ using the following command:

!pip install --upgrade openpyxl

Solution 3: Check the Engine Registration

In some cases, the engine registration for ‘openpyxl’ may not occur correctly.

To resolve this, you can manually register the engine by executing the following code before working with Excel files:

import pandas as pd
pd.ExcelWriter.engine = 'openpyxl'

Solution 4: Try an Alternative Library

If all else fails, you can deal with using an alternative library for working with Excel files.

‘Pandas’ is a popular choice that supports different file formats, including Excel.

You can install it using the following command:

!pip install pandas

Then, you can use ‘pandas’ to read and write Excel files instead of relying single-handedly on ‘openpyxl’.


What causes the “ValueError Unknown Engine: openpyxl” error?

The “ValueError Unknown Engine: openpyxl” error usually occurs when the openpyxl library is not able to find or load the required engine to work with Excel files. This will occure due to missing dependencies or incorrect installation.

How can I check if the ‘openpyxl’ library is installed?

To check if the ‘openpyxl’ library is installed, you can use the following command in your Python environment: !pip show openpyxl.

If the library is installed, it will show the version and other details. If it’s not installed, you can install it using pip install openpyxl.

I have installed ‘openpyxl’, but I still encounter the error. What should I do?

If you have already installed ‘openpyxl’ but still encounter the “ValueError Unknown Engine openpyxl” error, it could indicate that the required dependencies for the library are missing.

Make sure that you have the required dependencies, such as the ‘xlrd’ and ‘xlwt’ libraries, installed in your Python environment.


The “ValueError: Unknown Engine: openpyxl” error can be fixed by ensuring the correct installation and configuration of the ‘openpyxl’ library and its dependencies. In this article, we discussed the possible causes of this error and provided examples of solutions to help you resolve it.

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