Valueerror: check_hostname requires server_hostname

The error message “valueerror check_hostname requires server_hostname” typically occurs when working with Python’s ssl module, which provides SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols for secure network connections.

This error shows that the check_hostname parameter in the ssl module’s functions or methods requires the server_hostname argument to be provided.

Why Does the Error Occur?

The “ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname” error typically occurs in Python if we are using the ssl module and attempting to enable the check_hostname feature without providing a server_hostname parameter.

Causes of the valueerror check_hostname requires server_hostname

Here are the following common causes of the error check_hostname requires server_hostname:

  • Missing or incorrect server hostname
  • Using an outdated Python version
  • Network connectivity issues
  • Inconsistent or mismatched SSL configurations
  • Issues with SSL certificates

Now that we have identified the possible causes of the “check_hostname requires server_hostname” error.

Let’s move on to the solutions that can help you resolve this issue.

Solutions to Fix the Error check_hostname requires server_hostname

To solve the ValueError: ‘check_hostname’ requires server_hostname error, you can try the following solutions:

Solution 1: Provide the server hostname

Make sure to include the server hostname when connecting to an HTTPS server.

This can be done by defining the full URL, including the protocol and hostname, as shown in the following example:

import requests

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

Through, providing the server hostname, you need to ensure that the SSL/TLS certificate verification process can proceed without encountering the ValueError.

Solution 2: Set the server hostname in the connection object

If you are using the http.client.HTTPSConnection class or similar libraries, make sure to set the server hostname in the connection object. Here’s an example of how to do it:

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("")
conn.request("GET", "/")
response = conn.getresponse()

By providing the server hostname during the connection establishment, you can avoid triggering the ValueError.

Solution 3: Verify SSL/TLS certificates using the ssl module

When working with the ssl module, make sure that the SSLContext object includes the server hostname.

Here’s an example:

import ssl
import urllib.request

context = ssl.create_default_context()
context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
context.check_hostname = True
urllib.request.urlopen("", context=context)

By setting context.check_hostname = True and providing the server hostname, you enable the SSL/TLS certificate verification process to run smoothly.

Solution 4: Update the server hostname

If you encounter this error while working with existing code, it might indicate that the server hostname is missing or incorrect.

Make sure that you have the correct server hostname and update it accordingly in your code.

Although not recommended for security reasons, you can disable SSL/TLS certificate verification.

However, this method should only be used in development environments or when working with trusted servers.

Be tentative when employing this solution, as it poses potential security risks.

Solution 6: Use alternative libraries or modules

In some cases, switching to alternative libraries or modules that handle SSL/TLS connections differently can help resolve the ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname error.

Research and explore other libraries or modules that provide SSL/TLS functionalities to find the best fit for your specific use case.

With these solutions at your removal, you can confidently resolve the error check_hostname requires server_hostname.

However, you may still have some questions in mind. Let’s handle a few common FAQs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why am I getting the ValueError check_hostname requires ‘server_hostname’?

The ValueError: check_hostname requires ‘server_hostname’ is occur because the server hostname is missing during the SSL/TLS certificate verification process.

Make sure that you provide the server hostname to resolve this error.

How can I identify the cause of the ValueError?

To identify the cause of the ValueError: ‘check_hostname’ requires server_hostname, review your code and check if you have provided the server hostname correctly during SSL/TLS connections.

What should I do if the server_hostname is missing?

If the server_hostname is missing, you need to update your code and include the correct server hostname.

Check the documentation or consult the server administrator to get the accurate server hostname.

How do I update the server_hostname?

To update the server_hostname, locate the relevant section in your code where the connection to the server is established.

Make sure that you provide the correct server hostname as a parameter or property value.


The ValueError: check_hostname requires server_hostname can be a frustrating error when working with SSL/TLS connections in Python.

However, by following the solutions in this article you can resolve the error. Remember to always provide the server hostname and ensure proper SSL/TLS certificate verification to maintain the security and integrity of your applications.

Additional Resources

Here are the following additional articles that can help you to understand more about VALUEERRORS:

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