Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null

Having a hard time fixing “Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null” in your Javascript Code?

Worry no more! Because this article is for you.

In this article, we will discuss what this Typeerror means, the possible causes of why this error occurs, and provide solutions to resolve this error.

First, let us know what “uncaught typeerror: cannot read properties of null” means.

What is “Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null”?

The “uncaught typeerror: cannot read properties of null” is an error message that occurs in Javascript.

It typically appears in the console of a web browser when a script attempts to access a property or method of a variable that is null or undefined.

In simpler terms, this error message means that a variable that is supposed to have a value is actually null or undefined.

As a result, the script cannot access the property or method that it needs.

So now let’s discover how his error occurs.

How does “Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null” occurs?

The error message “Cannot read properties of null” typically occurs due to two main reasons:

  • Trying to access the value property of a null or undefined value.

This can happen if you’re trying to manipulate or retrieve the value of a DOM element that doesn’t exist or hasn’t been loaded yet.

  • Placing your JavaScript code above the HTML code where the relevant DOM elements are declared.

This can cause the JavaScript to execute before the DOM elements are created or loaded.

It results in an error when trying to access the properties or values of those elements.

Here’s an example code snippet that can cause the “Cannot read properties of null” error:

  const el = null;
// Try to access the value property of a null value


TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'value')

Now let’s fix this error.

“Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null” – Solutions

Here are the alternative solutions to fix this “uncaught typeerror: cannot read properties of null” error:

Solution 1. Make sure that the element exists before attempting to access its value.

The “typeerror cannot read property of null” error is commonly caused by using the getElementById() method with an ID that doesn’t exist in the DOM.

For Example

const input = document.getElementById('does-not-exist');
  console.log(input); // null
  const value = input.value; // Try to access the value property of a null value

This will result in the method returning null instead of a reference to the actual element.

When trying to access the value property of a null value (in this case, a non-existent DOM element), the error occurs.

To solve this error, it’s important to make sure that the element with the provided ID actually exists in the DOM before attempting to access its value property.

Solution 2. Checking if the element exists before accessing its value property.

To prevent the error when trying to access the value property of a DOM element, One way is to use the optional chaining (?.) operator.

It allows you to safely access nested properties even if one of them is null or undefined.

Another method is to use the ternary operator to conditionally assign a value based on whether an element exists or not.

You can also use a simple if statement to check if an element exists before accessing its value property.

Here’s an Example:

  const container = document.getElementById('container');
  const button = container.querySelector('.button');
  const message = container.querySelector('.message');

  // Using optional chaining ?.
  const buttonText1 = button?.innerText || '';

  // Using ternary operator
  const buttonText2 = button ? button.innerText : '';

  // Using if/else
  let buttonText3;
  if (button) {
    buttonText3 = button.innerText;
  } else {
    console.log('button is falsy');
    buttonText3 = '';

  // Using nullish coalescing operator ??
  const messageText = message?.innerText ?? 'No message found';

Solution 3. Place the JS script tag at the bottom of the body tag.

It’s recommended to place the JS script tag at the bottom of the body tag in your HTML file.

This ensures that the HTML elements are loaded before the JS code is executed, which prevents the error from occurring.

By placing the script tag at the bottom, you also ensure that the page content is loaded first

Also, it can improve the perceived performance of your web page.

For Example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
      value="Initial Value"

    <!-- script is run after input is declared -->
    const input = document.getElementById('first_name');
    console.log(input); //  input#first_name

      const value = input.value;
      console.log(value); // "Initial value"

I hope one or more of the given solutions above will help you solve your problem regarding “Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null”.

Here are the other fixed Python errors that you can visit, you might encounter them in the future.


In conclusion, In this article, we discuss the “Uncaught typeerror cannot read property of null”, provide the possible causes, give solutions, and resolve the error.

By following the given solution, surely you can fix the error quickly and proceed to your coding project again.

I hope this article helps you to solve your problem regarding this TypeError.

We’re happy to help you.

Happy coding! Have a Good day and God bless.