typeerror object of type float has no len

In this article, we will explain what is the “TypeError: object of type float has no len” error means and provide you with some solutions on how to fix it.

Also, we’ll provide some examples to help you to understand the error and how to prevent it in the future.

Why the typeerror: object of type ‘float’ has no len error occur?

The typeerror: object of type ‘float’ has no len error typically occur because occurs when you try to apply the built-in function len() to a float object.

In other words, Float objects do not have a defined length, that’s why we are seeing this error.

Here is an example of why the error occurs:

x = 3.14

In this example, we are trying to take the length of a float object (3.14), which is not possible.

This will result in the “TypeError: object of type float has no len” error.


Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\main.py”, line 2, in
TypeError: object of type ‘float’ has no len()

How to Solve the Error?

Now that we already know why this error occurs, let’s take a look at how to solve it.

Here are three solutions to solve the error, and it depends on what you are trying to resolve.

Solution 1: Convert the float to a string

The first solution to solve the error is to convert the float object to a string object. Strings have a defined length, which means you can use the len() function on them.

For example:

x = 3.14
y = str(x)
len_y = len(y)

First, we will define the variable x and assigned it the value 3.14.

Next, we will convert x to a string using the str() function and assign the result to the variable y.

Then, we’ll use the len() function to get the length of y and assign the result to a new variable len_y.

Finally, we will print the value of len_y using the print() function.

The output will be:


Solution 2: Using a Different Function

The second solution to solve this error is to use a different function that is designed to perform with float objects. For example, you can use the math.isnan() function to check if a float object is NaN (not a number).

import math

x = float('nan')
result = math.isnan(x)


In this example, we are using the math.isnan() function to check if the float object x is NaN.

This function returns True if the object is NaN and False otherwise.

The output will be:


Solution 3: Avoid taking the length of a float object

Finally, the best way to avoid the error is to avoid taking the length of a float object altogether.

If you need to perform a calculation that requires the length of an object.

You can try using a different data type (such as a string or integer) that supports the len() function.

It’s also a good practice to check the data type of your variables before carrying out any operations on them to avoid unexpected errors.

For example, let’s say you have a list of names and you want to calculate the average length of the names in the list.

If you try to take the length of a float object, you’ll get the “TypeError” error.

Instead, you can convert each name in the list to a string and then calculate the average length using the len() function.

Here is an example:

names = ['Jude', 'Glenn', 'Caren']
name_lengths = [len(str(name)) for name in names]
avg_length = sum(name_lengths) / len(name_lengths)

This example code converts each name in the list to a string using the str() function and then calculates the length using the len() function.

The average length is calculated by summing the lengths and dividing by the total number of names in the list.

Then the output will be:


Examples of the Error in Code

To help you better understand how the “TypeError: object of type float has no len” error can occur in your code, here are some examples of common scenarios where this error may arise:

Example 1: Using a float object as an argument for a function that expects a string

x = 3.14
print("The length of x is " + len(x))

In this example, we are trying to concatenate a string and a float object x using the “+” operator.

However, the len() function expects a string as an argument, not a float object.

If you run code the output will raise an error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\main.py”, line 2, in
print(“The length of x is ” + len(x))
TypeError: object of type ‘float’ has no len()

Example 3: Using a float object as an argument for a function that expects an integer

x = 3.14
y = range(x)

In this example, we’re trying to create a range object using a float object x as an argument.

However, range() expects an integer as an argument, not a float object.

This results in the “TypeError: ‘float’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer” error.

Which is a related error to the “TypeError: object of type float has no len” error.

Note: Remember, if you are trying to take the length of a float object, you will need to convert it to a string first or you can use a different function that is designed to work with float objects.

Additional Resources


The “typeerror object of type float has no len” error can be frustrating if you encounter this in your Python code.

However, by knowing what this error means and how to solve it, you can prevent this error in the future and write more efficient and error-free code.


What is len() function?

In Python, the len() function is used to return the length of an object.

What does typeerror: object of type float has no len error means?

The error message “TypeError: object of type ‘float’ has no len()” means that you cannot use the function len() on a float data type.