Typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable [SOLVED]

What is typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable, and why does it occur?

In this article, you will learn what the error message mentioned above means and why it appears.

In addition, you will also learn here how to solve the error.

So, without further ado, let us understand this error.

What is typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable?

As mentioned above, the typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable is an error message in Python.

This error is encountered by programmers or developers when working on a Python project.

This happens when you attempt to call a floating-point number like it was a function or method.

There are a variety of contexts in which this error can occur.


  • Using a parenthesis () in calling a float.
  • Calling a non-existing method on a float.
  • Forgetting to put an operand in a mathematical problem.

Here is an example code that could cause this error:

x = 20.2300
y = x()


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\path\PyProjects\sProject\main.py", line 2, in <module>
    y = x()
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

Now, let us proceed to our solution.

Typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable – SOLUTION

Time needed: 2 minutes

To fix the typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable, you have to distinguish this error’s source before fixing it.

Here is the guide on how to fix this error:

  1. Look for the line where the error appeared.

    The first step is to check the line number where the error appeared and is causing the problem.

  2. Find out if there are any incorrect syntaxes.

    Next is to check if there is any incorrect syntax, such as using a parenthesis () when calling a float.

    If so, the parenthesis should be removed or replaced with the appropriate one.

  3. Verify if there are any conflicts in variable naming.

    To avoid conflicts between the variable names and built-in functions, do not use a variable name that is the same as the function name.

  4. Check if there are any incorrect functions.

    Make sure that you are calling a function that exists and is defined correctly.

  5. Apply print statements.

    Applying print statements in your code helps you distinguish where the issue is happening.

  6. Debug your code.

    To distinguish the cause of the error, debug your code using a debugger tool.

See also: Attributeerror: float object has no attribute split [SOLVED]

Example codes

Example 1: This example fixes the sample error code above.

x = 20.2300
y = x



Example 2: Using “float” as a variable name.

present_students = input("How many students were present today? ")
float = float(input("How many points was given by the teacher? "))

points_received_per_student = float / float(present_students)
rounded = round(points_received_per_student, 2)



How many students were present today? 10
How many points was given by the teacher? 100
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\path\PyProjects\sProject\main.py", line 4, in <module>
    points_received_per_student = float / float(present_students)
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

Solution: Rename the variable “float” into points.

present_students = input("How many students were present today? ")
points = float(input("How many points was given by the teacher? "))

points_received_per_student = points / float(present_students)
rounded = round(points_received_per_student, 2)



How many students were present today? 10
How many points was given by the teacher? 100

Example 3: Forgetting to put an operand in a mathematical problem.

Just like the sample code above, let us assume that the teacher added 5.5 points aside from the 100 points the teacher gave.

present_students = input("How many students were present today? ")
points = float(input("How many points was given by the teacher? "))

points_received_per_student = 5.5 (points / float(present_students))
rounded = round(points_received_per_student, 2)



C:\Users\path\PyProjects\sProject\main.py:4: SyntaxWarning: 'float' object is not callable; perhaps you missed a comma?
  points_received_per_student = 5.5 (points / float(present_students))
How many students were present today? 10
How many points was given by the teacher? 100
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\path\PyProjects\sProject\main.py", line 4, in <module>
    points_received_per_student = 5.5 (points / float(present_students))
TypeError: 'float' object is not callable

Solution: Put the operand needed to solve the problem.

present_students = input("How many students were present today? ")
points = float(input("How many points was given by the teacher? "))

points_received_per_student = 5.5 + (points / float(present_students))
rounded = round(points_received_per_student, 2)



How many students were present today? 10
How many points was given by the teacher? 100


In conclusion, typeerror: ‘float’ object is not callable can be easily solved by identifying what causes it before fixing it.

That is all for this tutorial, IT source coders!

We hope you have learned a lot from this. Have fun coding.

Thank you for reading! 😊