Typeerror: ‘javapackage’ object is not callable

If you have encountered a TypeError while developing in Java, specially one of the common error message is JavaPackage’ object is not callable.

This error typically occurs when you are trying to call a Java package as a function or when you’re attempting to call a non-existent function within a package.

In this article, we will explain to you the reasons why this error occurs, what are the causes and provide some solutions to fix it.

What is a Java Package?

Before we proceed to the causes of error, we need to know first what a Java package is.

In Java, a package is a grouping of related classes and interfaces.

Packages provide a way to organize Java classes into a hierarchical structure.

It is making it easier to locate and use the classes when needed.

What Causes the Error?

The ‘JavaPackage’ object is not callable error message is caused when you are attempting to call a Java package as if it were a function.

It can also occur if you’re trying to call a non-existent function within a package.

Here are the possible causes of the error:

  • typo in the package or function name
  • incorrect syntax
  • variable mismatch
  • incorrect Java version
  • incorrect file location
  • Check for spelling errors

Why this error occur?

This typeerror javapackage object is not callable error usually occurs because it means that the target Java class cannot found.

Either the class does not exist or the expected import has not been called.

How to solve the error javapackage’ object is not callable?

Now that you understand the cause of the error, we will proceed to solutions on how to solve it.

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The following are the solutions to solve the error:

  • Solution 1: Checking for Typos

    As mentioned earlier, one common cause of this error is a typo in the package or function name.

    You can check for spelling errors in both the code and any imported files.

  • Solution 2: Check the Syntax

    Incorrect syntax can be able to cause the “‘JavaPackage’ object is not callable” error.

    Check the syntax of your code and make sure that it follows the correct format for calling a package or function.

  • Solution 3: Check for Variable Mismatch

    A variable mismatch can also cause of this error as well.

    Make sure that the variables you are passing to the function it will match the data type required by the function.

  • Solution 4: Check the Java Version

    One can cause this error is an incorrect Java version.

    Make sure that the Java version you are using is compatible with the package or function you are calling.

    You can check your Java version through running the command “java -version” in your command prompt or terminal.

  • Solution 5: Check the File Location

    The file location of the package or the function you are calling can also cause this error.

    You will make sure that the package or function is located in the correct directory.

    Also, the correct import statement is being used in your code.

Prevention of the Error

To prevent the “javapackage’ object is not callable” error from occurring in the first place.

There are a few best practices you can follow.

Here are the most effective ways to prevent this error:

You can use Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) as follows:

IntelliJ IDEA

The IDEs will be able to help you to identify errors before you compile or run your code.

It can save the time and effort in the long run.

Another important prevention method is to make sure that there is regular maintenance of your Java applications.

Make sure that you are keeping your applications outdated with the latest Java versions and patches.

This can help prevent issues with compatibility and it will ensure that your code runs smoothly.

Additional Resources

You can read or visit the following articles about Typeerror, which is you might have encountered in running the python program:


In conclusion, the “Typeerror: ‘javapackage’ object is not callable” error will be a frustrating issue to deal with in Java development.

However, with the proper understanding and identification of the error, as well as following best practices for prevention, you can effectively prevent this issue.

It is important to prioritize the correct Java development because this is to ensure that your code runs efficiently and effectively.

It will be able to save time and resources in the long run.


What is a Java Package?

A Java package is a grouping of related classes and interfaces that provides a way to organize Java classes into a hierarchical structure, making it easier to locate and use the classes when needed.

How can I identify the ‘Java Package’ object error?

The ‘JavaPackage’ object error can be identified by checking for typos, syntax errors, variable mismatch, incorrect Java version, and incorrect file location.

What is the best way to prevent the ‘Java Package’ object error?

Using Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and regularly maintaining your Java applications are effective ways to prevent the ‘Java Package’ object error from occurring.