typeerror: invalid type promotion

When you are working with Python code, one of the common errors is the “typeerror invalid type promotion“.

It is not uncommon to encounter this error that prevents your code from running smoothly.

In this article, we will explain the reasons behind this error, how it can be solved, and tips on how to avoid it from occurring in the future.

Why this error occur?

This error occurs when you are trying to perform an operation on two variables of different types.

On the other hand, the python interpreter is unable to automatically convert one variable to the other type.

What is TypeError Invalid Type Promotion?

The TypeError: Invalid Type Promotion occurs if the two or more objects of various data types are combined using an operator or function which is not supported their combination.

For example, if we are trying to add a string and an integer using the “+” operator, we will get the following error:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

This error usually occurs because the “+” operator doesn’t defined for the combination of an integer and a string.

What are the Causes of Invalid Type Promotion?

The following are the causes of the error occur:

  • Using the Wrong Data Types
  • Incompatible Data Types
  • Invalid Operations

How to Solved the TypeError Invalid Type ‘Promotion’?

To solve TypeError: Invalid Type Promotion, you will need to make sure that the objects you are combining have compatible data types.

Thus, you are using the correct operator or function.

Solution 1: Check Data Types

The first solution in solving TypeError: Invalid Type Promotion is to check the data types of the objects you are combining.

You can use the type() function to define the data type of an object.

If the data types are not compatible, you should convert them to the appropriate data type.

Solution 2: Convert Data Types

When the data types aren’t compatible, you can convert them to the appropriate data type using functions such as int(), float(), str(), or bool().

For example, if you want to concatenate an integer and a string, you can convert the integer to a string using the str() function before concatenating.

num = 42
string = "The answer is: "
combined = string + str(num)


C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\Scripts\python.exe C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\main.py
The answer is: 42

Solution 3: Use Appropriate Operations

Finally, you must use the appropriate operator or function for the data types you are combining.


In conclusion, you can avoid this error from occurring through checking the data types you are combining and convert data types correctly.

By following these solutions, you can make sure that your code will run smoothly without any type errors.


Can I convert data types to fix TypeError: Invalid Type Promotion?

Yes, you can convert data types using functions such as int(), float(), str(), or bool() to solved the Invalid Type Promotion.

How can I avoid Invalid Type Promotion?

You can avoid TypeError Invalid Type Promotion through ensuring that the objects you are combining have compatible data types and that you are using the correct operator or function.

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