Typeerror cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs

The “typeerror cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs” is a common error in Node.js and JavaScript.

We understand that this error is quite frustrating, especially if you’re new to this.

This article discusses what this error is all about and why it occurs in your code.

So if you want to fix this error and understand it keep reading.

What is “typeerror cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs”?

The “typeerror: cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs is an error message that occurs when you try to access a property of an undefined object or array.

In simple words, you are trying to access the map method of a value that is undefined.

The .map() function is used to iterate over an array and perform some action on each item.

However, if the array is undefined, you’ll get the “typeerror cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs” error.

What are the root causes of this error?

This error occurs because of several root causes. Here are the following:

❌Undefined or null value

❌ Incorrect syntax

❌ Missing data

❌ Asynchronous code

How to fix typeerror cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs?

After we understand what this error means and the root cause of why it occurs in your code.
Let’s start to explore the solutions to fix this error.

1. Check if the array is defined before using .map() function

You can add a conditional statement to check if the array is defined before using the .map() function.

let myArray;
if (myArray) {
  myArray.map(item => console.log(item));
} else {
  console.log("myArray is not defined");

As you can see, we declare the myArray variable without assigning a value.

After that, check if myArray is defined and call the .map() function if it is.

If it is not defined, we log an error message to the console.


myArray is not defined

2. Provide a default value to the array

You can easily solve this error by providing a default value to the array if it is undefined.

You have to declare myArray first as undefined. Then set myArray to an empty array using the logical OR operator (||).

It will ensure that myArray always has a value, even if it is undefined. By that, you can call the .map() function on myArray.

let myArray = undefined;
myArray = myArray || [];
myArray.map(item => console.log(item));

When you try to run this code, the result should be an empty console because myArray is empty.

3. Use optional chaining operator

In version 14 of Node.js and above, it supports the optional chaining operator (?.).

This operator allows you to safely access nested properties and methods without getting an error if one of the properties or methods is undefined.

const myObject = { website: [{ name: "Itsourcecode" }, { name: "Sourcecodehero" }] };
const myArray = myObject?.website;
myArray?.map(website => console.log(website.name));



Tips avoid the “typeerror cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs” error message

To avoid encountering this error message in the future, you can follow these best practices:

✅ Always check for undefined or null values before accessing them.

✅ Double-check your syntax and make sure that your code is error-free.

✅ Use conditional statements to check if data exists before calling the .map() function.

✅ Handle asynchronous code correctly by using async/await or Promises.


The “typeerror: cannot read property ‘map’ of undefined nodejs is an error message that occurs when you try to access a property of an undefined object or array.

This article already provides different solutions above so you can fix the error message immediately.

We are hoping that this article provided you with sufficient solutions to get rid of the error.

You could also check out other “typeerror” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.