Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float

Having difficulties fixing “Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float”?

Read this entire article, and you will know how to solve this error.

In this article, we will discuss the possible causes of this TypeError, and provide solutions to resolve it.

But before that, let’s understand first what this Typeerror means.

What is “Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float”?

A TypeError “cannot convert the series to class float” is an error message that indicates that there is a problem with converting a Pandas Series object to a float data type.

In simpler terms, the error message means that there is an issue with the data being used in a mathematical operation or conversion that requires numeric values.

Here is an example code snippet that triggers the TypeError “cannot convert the series to class float” :

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas Series with mixed data types
my_series = pd.Series([1, 2.0, "three", 4.5])

# try to convert the Series to a float data type

In this example, the my_series Series contains mixed data types, including the string “three”, which cannot be converted to a float.

By that the typeerror raised stating:

TypeError: Cannot convert the series to class float

So why this TypeError occurs?

How “Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float” occurs?

Here are some common causes of the “Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float” error:

  • Mixed data types:

The Typeerror occurs when a Pandas Series contains mixed data types, such as both numeric and non-numeric values.

It happens when you are trying to convert such a Series to a float data type.

For Example:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas Series with mixed data types
my_series = pd.Series([1, 2.0, "three", 4.5])

# try to convert the Series to a float data type

Since the my_series Series contains mixed data types, including the string “three”, which cannot be converted to a float, the Typeerror occurs.

  • Non-numeric values:

The error occurs when a column that should contain only numeric values contains non-numeric values, such as strings or special characters.

Here is an example code that column contains numeric values and non-numeric values:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas DataFrame with a column that contains non-numeric values
my_df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2, 3, "four", 5]})

# try to perform mathematical operations on the column

In this example, Since the “col1” column in the my_df DataFrame contains the string “four”, which cannot be used in mathematical operations, the TyperError occurs.

  • Improper data cleaning and formatting:

The TypeError can also occur when the data in the column has not been properly cleaned and formatted.

For Example:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas DataFrame with a column that contains mixed data types
my_df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2, "three", 4, 5]})

# try to convert the column to a float data type without cleaning the data

For this example, because the “col1” column in the my_df DataFrame contains the string “three”, which cannot be converted to a float, an error occurs.

  • Version compatibility issues:

Finally, this error can occur due to version compatibility issues between the Pandas library and the version of Python being used.

For Example:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas Series with mixed data types
my_series = pd.Series([1, 2.0, "three", 4.5])

# try to convert the Series to a float data type using an older version of Pandas
pd.__version__ = '0.23.4'

In this example, the Typeerror error may not be raised.

The code is using an older version of Pandas that does not raise the error for mixed data types.

However, newer versions of Pandas will raise the error for the same code.

Now let’s solve this error.

Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float – Solutions

Here are the alternative solutions to Solve the TypeError “cannot convert the series to class float”:

Solution 1. Use pd.to_numeric() method:

You need to ensure that your data has consistent data types.

You can either remove the rows with non-numeric data or convert them to NaN using the pd.to_numeric() method.

Here is an Example:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas Series with mixed data types
my_series = pd.Series([1, 2.0, "three", 4.5])

# convert the Series to a float data type after converting non-numeric data to NaN
my_series = pd.to_numeric(my_series, errors='coerce')

In this example, the pd.to_numeric() method is used to convert the non-numeric data (“three”) to NaN.

After converting the non-numeric data to NaN, you can then safely convert the data to a float data type.


0    1.0
1    2.0
2    NaN
3    4.5
dtype: float64

Solution 2. Remove the non-numeric values:

To solve this error, you need to remove the non-numeric values from the data before performing any mathematical operations.

Here is an example code:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas DataFrame with a column that contains non-numeric values
my_df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2, 3, "four", 5]})

# remove the non-numeric values from the column
my_df["col1"] = pd.to_numeric(my_df["col1"], errors='coerce')

# perform mathematical operations on the cleaned column

In this example, the pd.to_numeric() method is used to convert the non-numeric value “four” to NaN.

After cleaning the data, you can then perform mathematical operations on the column without raising the Typeerror.



Solution 3. Use data-cleaning techniques

You need to ensure that your data is properly cleaned and formatted before converting it to a float data type.

You can use data cleaning techniques such as removing duplicates, replacing missing values with a default value, or converting the data type of a column.

Here is an example:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas DataFrame with a column that contains mixed data types
my_df = pd.DataFrame({"col1": [1, 2, "three", 4, 5]})

# remove non-numeric values from the column
my_df["col1"] = pd.to_numeric(my_df["col1"], errors='coerce')

# replace missing values with a default value
my_df["col1"].fillna(0, inplace=True)

# convert the column to a float data type
my_df["col1"] = my_df["col1"].astype(float)

In this example, the pd.to_numeric() method is used to remove the non-numeric value “three” from the column and convert it to NaN.

The fillna() method is then used to replace the NaN values with a default value of 0.

Finally, the astype() method is used to convert the column to a float data type.


0    1.0
1    2.0
2    0.0
3    4.0
4    5.0
Name: col1, dtype: float64

Solution 4. Upgrade or downgrade your Pandas version

You need to ensure that you are using a version of Pandas that supports the methods you are using.

You can upgrade or downgrade your Pandas version to match the requirements of your code.

Here is an example:

import pandas as pd

# create a Pandas Series with mixed data types
my_series = pd.Series([1, 2.0, "three", 4.5])

# try to convert the Series to a float data type


0        1
1      2.0
2    three
3      4.5
dtype: object

I hope one or more of the given solutions above resolve your problem regarding “Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float”.

Here are the other fixed Python errors that you can visit, you might encounter them in the future.


In conclusion, In this article, we discuss the “Typeerror cannot convert the series to class float”, we provide the possible causes of why this error occurs, create solutions and resolve the error.

By following the given solution, surely you can fix the error quickly and proceed to your coding project again.

I hope this article helps you to solve your problem regarding the TypeError stating “cannot convert the series to class float”.

We’re happy to help you.

Happy coding! Have a Good day and God bless.