typeerror: abcmeta object is not subscriptable [SOLVED]

In this article, you will learn on how to fix the error typeerror: ‘abcmeta’ object is not subscriptable.

Like any programming language, Python isn’t perfect and can display errors that may confuse even the most experienced programmers. One of these common errors is the “typeerror: abcmeta object is not subscriptable” error.

What does the ‘abcmeta’ object is not subscriptable Error Mean?

When you encounter the ‘abcmeta’ object is not subscriptable error in Python, it means that you are trying to use the subscript operator ([]) on an object that does not support it. In other words, you are trying to access an element of an object using indexing, yet the object does not have that feature.

What Causes the Typeerror: ‘abcmeta’ object is not subscriptable?

The “typeerror: ‘abcmeta’ object is not subscriptable” error can occur in Python if:

  • You are trying to access an object using indexing, yet the object does not have that feature.
  • You are trying to access a built-in method or function that doesn’t support indexing.
  • You are using a third-party library that doesn’t support indexing.

Also read:

How to Fix the “Typeerror: abcmeta object is not subscriptable”?

In fixing the “typeerror: abcmeta object is not subscriptable” error it will depend on the cause of the error. Here are some possible solutions:

Solution 1: Check if the object supports indexing

Before you try to access an object using indexing, make sure that the object supports it. You can check if an object is subscriptable by using the “isinstance()” function in Python. For example, if you are trying to access an element of a list, you can use this code:

my_list = [1, 2, 3]
if isinstance(my_list, list):
    # Your code here

Solution 2: Check the documentation

If you are using a built-in method or function that does not support indexing, check the documentation to see if there’s an alternative way to resolve what you’re trying to do.

Solution 3: Update the library

If you are using a third-party library which does not support indexing, you can check if there’s a newer version of the library release.


What is a subscriptable object in Python?

A subscriptable object in Python is an object that supports indexing. This means that you can access its elements using the subscript operator ([]).


To conclude, through understanding the causes of this error and following the tips and solutions provided in this article, you can avoid and fix the “typeerror: abcmeta object is not subscriptable” error, allowing you to write more efficient and error-free Python code.

I hope this article will be able to help you to resolve the error.

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