Typeerror can only concatenate str not nonetype to str

In this article, we will discuss what the typeerror: can only concatenate str not nonetype to str error message means and why it occurs.

We will also provide some solutions to troubleshoot and fix this error in your Python code.

Why does the TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str occurs?

The TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str occurs because you’re trying to concatenate a string with a None value or a variable that has no value assigned to it.

In addition, this error occur if you are trying to concatenate a None value with a string which is the Python cannot determine the data type of the None value, leading to a TypeError.

Here is an example on how the error occur:

name = None
greeting = "Hello " + name

This example program will creates a variable name and assigns it the value None.

Then, it creates a variable greeting and concatenates the string “Hello” with the value of the name variable using the “+ operator.

Since name has a value of None, the concatenation will result in an error due to the inability to concatenate a string with a None value.

Finally, the print() function is called to print the value of the greeting variable, which will fail due to the error.

So, Python cannot determine the data type of the name variable and throws the error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\Dell\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\main.py”, line 2, in
greeting = “Hello ” + name
TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str

How to solve this error can only concatenate str not nonetype to str?

Now that you understand the error why it is occur, then let’s take a look at some solutions on how to solve it.

Solution 1: Avoid Concatenating a None Value with a String

The first solution to solve this error is that you will need to check first the value of your variable using an if statement to avoid concatenating a None with a string.

If the variable is not None, then it will concatenate the variable to a string as follows:

name = "Juan Delacruz"

if name is not None:
    print("The value of name is " + name)
    print("The value of name is None")

This example code, will checks if the variable name has a value assigned to it.

If name is not None, it will print a message that includes the value of name concatenated with the string “The value of name is “.

If name has no value (i.e., it is None), it will print a message that says “The value of name is None“.

In this case, name has the value “John”, so the message “The value of name is John” will be printed to the console.

The value of name is Juan Delacruz

Solution 2: Using a Default Value for the Variable

For the second solution to solve this error is to use a default value for the variable if the value is none.

For example:

age = None

if age is None:
    age = 25

print("The value of age is " + str(age))

This example code will sets the variable “age” to None, then checks if it is None.

Then, if it is None, it will sets the value of “age” to 25.

Finally, it will prints the value of “age” as a string.

In this case, the output will be:

The value of age is 25

Through adding a default value to change None, you will assure that the TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str will be avoided.

In Python, None is a special value that represents the absence of a value. It is often used to indicate that a variable or argument has not been assigned a value or that a function does not return anything.

Note: In order to prevent a TypeError, it is important to understand when Python produces a None value and then handle it appropriately within your code.

Solution 3: Convert None value to a string

Another way to solve the TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str error message is to convert the None value to a string before concatenating it with the string.

For example, let’s say you have the following code:

name = None
greeting = "Hello " + str(name)

In this example code, we are converting the None value to a string using the str() function before concatenating it with the string.

This way, we are assuring that the None value is converted to a string before concatenating, and the TypeError will be prevented.

Solution 4: Use f-strings or string formatting

Another way to concatenate strings in Python without encountering the error can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str error message is to use f-strings or string formatting.

For example:

name = None
greeting = f"Hello {name}"

In this example code, we are using f-strings to concatenate the string and the variable.

F-strings are a new and more convenient way to format strings in Python 3.6 and later versions.

They allow us to embed expressions inside string literals, using {} characters.

Alternatively, we can also use string formatting to concatenate strings and variables.

For example:

name = None
greeting = "Hello {}".format(name)

In this code, we are using string formatting to concatenate the string and the variable.

String formatting allows you to embed variables and expressions inside string literals, using {} characters and the format() method.

Common cause of None value if you run a Python program are:

  • Assigning None to a variable directly
  • Call a function that returns null
  • Call a function that returns only under a sure condition

If you are calling a function which have no return statement, the function will return a None value automatically.

For example:

def greet():

result = greet()

If a function doesn’t have a return statement explicitly defined, the function will return the value None.

Also, we can use conditional return statement to get a None.

For example:

def welcome(name):
    if name:
        return f"Hello {name}!"
result1 = welcome("")

result2 = welcome("Nathan")
print("n" in result2)
  • def welcome(name):
    • Declare a function that greets the given name.
  • if name:
    • Check if the name is not empty
  • return f”Hello {name}!”:
    • If the name is not empty, return a greeting message.
  • result1 = welcome(“”):
    • Call the welcome function with an empty string as the argument.
  • print(result1):
    • The output of the function will be None, since the input name is empty.
  • result2 = welcome(“Nathan”)
    • Call the welcome function with a non-empty string as the argument.
  • print(“n” in result2)
    • Check if the character ‘n’ is present in the output string.

Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources that can help you learn more about the error message and other common Python errors:


In this article, we have explained what the typeerror can only concatenate str not nonetype to str error message means and why it occurs.

We have also provided some solutions to troubleshoot and solve this error in your Python code.


What does the TypeError: Can Only Concatenate Str Not NoneType to Str mean?

The TypeError: can only concatenate str (not “NoneType”) to str error message usually occurs when you’re trying to concatenate a string with a None value in Python.

How can I prevent the TypeError in Python?

You can prevent the TypeError in Python through using the correct data types for your variables and objects, and handling any exceptions that may arise.