Typeerror can’t concat str to bytes

Whenever you are working with binary data and string data in Python, have you encountered the “TypeError: can’t concat str to bytes” error?

This error occurs when you try to concatenate a bytes object with a string object using the + operator, which is not allowed.

In this article, we’ll explain the cause of this error and provide solutions to fix it.

We’ll provide examples and code snippets to illustrate the different solutions to the “TypeError can’t concat str to bytes” error.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to handle binary and string data in Python without encountering this common error.

What is typeerror: can’t concat str to bytes?

A TypeError can’t concat str to bytes typically occurs in Python when we try to concatenate a string with a bytes object using the ‘+‘ operator.

Python distinguishes between string objects (which are sequences of Unicode characters) and bytes objects (which are sequences of 8-bit values).

When we try to concatenate a string and a bytes object, Python raises this error because the two types are incompatible.

Here is an example of how this error occurs:

my_string = "Hello, world!"
my_bytes = b"Welcome to Itsourcecode!"
result = my_bytes + my_string

If we run the code we’re trying to concatenate a bytes object (my_bytes) with a string object (my_string) using the + operator.

However, because these two types are incompatible, Python raises a…

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Windows\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\main.py", line 3, in <module>
    result = my_bytes + my_string
TypeError: can't concat str to bytes

Why can’t concat str to bytes occur?

Here are some common reasons why the TypeError can’t concat str to bytes” error may occur in Python:

  1. Attempting to concatenate a string and a bytes object using the ‘+’ operator.
  2. Passing a string to a function that expects a bytes object, or vice versa.
  3. Using the wrong mode when opening a file with the open() function.
  4. Mixing string and bytes data in a network communication protocol that expects one or the other, but not both.
  5. Trying to concatenate a string and a byte array using the ‘+’ operator.
  6. Passing a string as an argument to a method that expects bytes, such as the socket.send() method in the socket module.

Now that we already know the reasons and how this error occurs, let’s proceed to solutions for this error.

Python typeerror can’t concat str to bytes – Solutions

There are several ways to fix the “TypeError can’t concat str to bytes” error in Python, depending on the context of your code.

Here are a few possible solutions:

  1. Convert the bytes object to a string
  2. Convert the string to bytes
  3. Use f-strings
  4. Use a format string

Convert the bytes object to a string

One of the solutions you can try to fix the error, convert the bytes object to a string using the decode() method, and then concatenate the two strings.

This is applicable if you have bytes object and a string that you want to concatenate.

Here is an example:

my_bytes = b"Hello, IT!"
my_string = "Source Code!"
result = my_bytes.decode() + my_string

In this code, we use the decode() method to convert my_bytes to a string, and then we concatenate it with my_string.

The output of this code would be:

Hello, IT!Source Code!

Convert the string to bytes

If you have a bytes object and a string that you want to concatenate, you can convert the string to bytes using the encode() method, and then concatenate the two bytes objects:

my_bytes = b"Hello, IT!"
my_string = "Sourcecode!"
result = my_bytes + my_string.encode()

In this code, we use the encode() method to convert my_string to bytes, and then we concatenate it with my_bytes. The output of this code would be:


b'Hello, IT!Sourcecode!'

Use f-strings

If you’re using Python 3.6 or later, you can use f-strings to concatenate bytes and strings:

my_bytes = b"Hello, IT!"
my_string = "Sourcecode!"
result = f"{my_bytes.decode()}{my_string}"


In this code, we use an f-string to concatenate the decoded my_bytes and my_string variables.

Hello, IT!Sourcecode!

Use a format string

If you’re using an earlier version of Python, you can use a format string to concatenate bytes and strings.

my_bytes = b"Hello, IT!"
my_string = " Welcome, ITSOURCECODE!"
result = "{}{}".format(my_bytes.decode(), my_string)


Hello, IT! Welcome, ITSOURCECODE!

I think that’s all for the solutions to this error.

If you are finding solutions to some errors you might encounter we also have Typeerror: can’t compare offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes.


In conclusion, the TypeError can’t concat str to bytes error occurs when we try to concatenate a bytes object with a string object using the + operator. This error can be fixed by ensuring that we are concatenating objects of the same type.

We hope you have learned from this article.

Thank you for reading!