VB.net Operators – How Many Types of Operators Used in VB.net?

What are VB.net Operators?

The VB.net Operator is a symbol that instructs the compiler to carry out particular logical or mathematical operations.

The Operator symbol is used in VB.net programming to execute various operations on variables.

There are many types of operators in VB.net that assist with applying logical and mathematical operations to data values.

In the VB.net programming language, the Operator precedence is used to specify the order in which several Operators are executed.

Operator is a specialized symbol in VB.net that instructs the compiler to apply a particular logical or mathematical operation to the data values.

An operand is the data value itself, which can be either a variable or a constant. The operator applies different operations on the operand.

How Many Types of Operators Used in VB.net?

The following are the types of operators that are used in VB.net extensive built-in operator library.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical/Bitwise Operators
  • Bit Shift Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Miscellaneous Operators

VB.net Arithmetic Operators

The Arithmetic Operators in VB.net, are used to perform mathematical operations such as subtraction, addition, multiplication, division, etc. on the operands in VB.net.

The following table shows all the arithmetic operators supported by VB.net.

Arithmetic Operators in VB.netDescriptionExample
^It is an exponentiation Operator that is used to raises one operand to the power of another operand.Y ^ X (X to the power Y)
+The addition Operator is used to add numeric data, as well as concatenate two string variables.X + Y
It is a subtraction Operator, which is used to subtract the second operand from the first operand.X – Y
*The multiplication Operator is used to multiply the operandsX * Y
/It is a division Operator used to divide one operand by another operand and returns a floating-point result.X / Y
\It is an integer division Operator, which is similar to division Operator, except that it returns an integer result while dividing one operand to another operand.X \ Y
ModIt is a modulo (Modulus) Operator, which is used to divide two operands and returns only a remainder.X Mod Y
Arithmetic Operators in VB.net

Example Program of VB.net Arithmetic Operators:

Imports System  
Module Arithmetic_Operator  
    Sub Main()  
        'Declare a, b And c as integer Data Type()  
        Dim a, b, c As Integer  
        Dim d As Single  
        a = 17  
        b = 4  
        ' Use of + Operator  
        c = a + b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Sum of a + b is {0}", c)  
        'Use of - Operator  
        c = a - b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Subtraction of a - b is {0}", c)  
        'Use of * Operator  
        c = a * b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Multiplication of a * b is {0}", c)  
        'Use of / Operator  
        d = a / b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Division of a / b is {0}", d)  
        'Use of \ Operator  
        c = a \ b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Similar to division Operator (return only integer value) of a - b is {0}", c)  
        'Use of Mod Operator  
        c = a Mod b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Modulus of a Mod b is {0}", c)  
        'Use of ^ Operator  
        c = a ^ b  
        Console.WriteLine(" Power of a ^ b is {0}", c)  
        Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...")  
    End Sub  
End Module  

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Sum of a + b is 21
Subtraction of a – b is 13
Multiplication of a * b is 68
Division of a / b is 4.25
Similar to division Operator (return only integer value) of a – b is 4
Modulus of a Mod b is 1
Power of a ^ b is 83521
Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡ VB.net Online Compiler

Comparison Operator in VB.net

The Comparison Operator in VB.net compares the values of two variables or operands for a variety of conditions, including greater, less than, or equal, etc., and depending on the condition, it produces a Boolean value of true or false.

The following table shows all the Comparison Operators in VB.net.

Comparison Operator in VB.netDescriptionExample
=It checks whether the value of the two operands is equal; If yes, it returns a true value, otherwise it shows False.(A = B)
<>It is a Non-Equality Operator that checks whether the value of the two operands is not equal; it returns true; otherwise, it shows false.(A <> B), check Non-Equality
>A greater than symbol or Operator is used to determine whether the value of the left operand is greater than the value of the right operand; If the condition is true, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it shows FALSE value.(A > B); if yes, TRUE,Else FALSE
<It is a less than symbol which checks whether the value of the left operand is less than the value of the right operand; If the condition is true, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it shows FALSE value.(A < B); if the condition is true, returns TRUE else FALSE
>=It is greater than equal to which checks two conditions whether the first operand is greater than or equal to the second operand; if yes, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it shows False.A >= B
<=This symbol represents less than equal to which determines the first operand is less than or equal to the second operand, and if the condition is true, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it shows FALSE.A <= B
IsThe Is Operator is used to validate whether the two objects reference the same variable or object; If the test is true, it returns True; otherwise, the result is False. In short, it checks the equality of the objects. An Is Operator is also used to determine whether the object refers to a valid object.result = obj1 Is obj2
IsNotThe IsNot Operator is similar to Is Operator, except that the two object references the different object; if yes, the result is True; otherwise, the result is False.Result = obj1 IsNot obj2
LikeThe Like Operator is used to check the pattern expression of string variable; And if the pattern matched, the result is True; otherwise, it returns False.result = string Like the pattern, the pattern represents the series of characters used by Like Operator.
Comparison Operator in VB.net

Example Program of VB.net Comparison Operator:

Imports System  
Module Comparison_Operator  
    Sub Main()  
        'declaration of Integer, Object and String Data Type variables  
        Dim x As Integer = 5  
        Dim y As Integer = 10  
        Dim Result, obj, obj2 As Object  
        Dim str, str2 As String  
        str = "ITSOURCECODE"  
        str2 = "ITSOURCECODE"  
        obj = 10  
        obj2 = 20  
        Console.WriteLine(" Program of Comparison Operator")  
        'Use of > Operator  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of x > y is {0}", x > y)  
        'Use of < Operator  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of x < y is {0}", x < y)  
        'Use of = Operator  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of x = y is {0}", x = y)  
        'Use of <> Operator  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of x <> y is {0}", x <> y)  
        'Use of >= Operator  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of x >= y is {0}", x >= y)  
        'Use of <= Operator  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of x <= y is {0}", x <= y)  
        'Use of Is Operator  
        Result = obj Is obj2  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of obj Is obj2 is {0}", Result)  
        'Use of Is Operator  
        Result = obj IsNot obj2  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of obj IsNot obj2 is {0}", Result)  
        'Use of Like Operator  
        Result = str Like str2  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of str Like str2 is {0}", Result)  
        Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
    End Sub  
End Module

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Program of Comparison Operator
Output of x > y is False
Output of x < y is True Output of x = y is False Output of x <> y is True
Output of x >= y is False
Output of x <= y is True
Output of obj Is obj2 is False
Output of obj IsNot obj2 is True
Output of str Like str2 is True
Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡ VB.net Online Compiler

Logical/Bitwise Operators in VB.net

The logical and bitwise Operators in VB.net work with Boolean (true or false) conditions, and if the conditions become true, it returns a Boolean value.

The following are the logical and bitwise Operators used to perform the various logical operations such as And, Or, Not, etc. on the operands (variables).

Suppose there are two operands A and B, where A is True, and B is False.

The following table shows all the Logical/Bitwise Operators in VB.net.

Logical/Bitwise Operators in VB.netDescriptionExample
AndThe And Operator represents, whether both the operands are true; the result is True.(A And B), result = False
OrIt is an Or Operator that returns a true value; if anyone operand is true from both the operands.(A Or B), result = True
NotThe Not Operator is used to reverse the logical condition. For example, if the operand’s logic is True, it reveres the condition and makes it False.Not A OrNot (A And B) is True
XorIt is an Exclusive OR Operator that represents, whether both the expression is true or false, the result is True; otherwise, the result is False.A Xor B is True
AndAlsoIt is a logical AND Operator that performs short-circuit operation on the variables, and if both the operands are true, the result is True else the result is False.A AndAlso B = Falase
OrElseIt is a logical OR Operator that perform short-circuit operation on Boolean data. If anyone of the operand is true, the result is True else the result is False.A Or Else B = True
IsFalseThe IsFalse Operator is used to determine whether an expression is False.
IsTrueThe IsTrue Operator is used to determine whether an expression is True.
Logical/Bitwise Operators in VB.net

Example Program of VB.net Logical/Bitwise Operators:

Imports System  
Module Logic_Bitwise  
    Sub Main()  
        Dim A As Boolean = True  
        Dim B As Boolean = False  
        Dim c, d As Integer  
        c = 10  
        d = 20  
        'Use of And Operator  
        If A And B Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operands A And B are True")  
        End If  
        'Use of Or Operator  
        If A Or B Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operands A Or B are True")  
        End If  
        'Use of Xor Operator  
        If A Xor B Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operands A Xor B is True")  
        End If  
        'Use of And Operator  
        If c And d Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operands c And d is True")  
        End If  
        'Use of Or Operator  
        If c Or d Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operands c Or d is True")  
        End If  
        'Use of AndAlso Operator  
        If A AndAlso B Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operand A AndAlso B is True")  
        End If  
        'Use of OrElse Operator  
        If A OrElse B Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Operand A OrElse B is True")  
        End If  
        'Use of Not Operator  
        If Not (A And B) Then  
            Console.WriteLine(" Output of Not (A And B) is True")  
        End If  
        Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit?")  
    End Sub  
End Module 

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Operands A Or B are True
Operands A Xor B is True
Operands c Or d is True
Operand A OrElse B is True
Output of Not (A And B) is True
Press any key to exit?

You can test the above example here! ➡ VB.net Online Compiler

Bit Shift Operators in VB.net

The Bit Shift Operators in VB.net are used to perform the bit shift operations on binary values either to the right or to the left.

The following table shows all the Bit Shift Operators in VB.net.

Bit Shift Operators in VB.netDescription
ANDThe Binary AND Operator are used to copy the common binary bit in the result if the bit exists in both operands.
ORThe Binary OR Operator is used to copy a common binary bit in the result if the bit found in either operand.
XORThe Binary XOR Operator in VB.NET, used to determine whether a bit is available to copy in one operand instead of both.
NotThe binary NOT Operator is also known as the binary Ones’ Compliment Operator, which is used to flip binary bits. This means it converts the bits from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0 binary bits.
<<The Binary Left Shift Operator is used to shift the bit to the left side.
>>The Binary Right Shift Operator is used to shift the bit to the right side.
Bit Shift Operators in VB.net

Example Program of Bit Shift Operators in VB.net:

Imports System  
Module Bitshift_Operator  
    Sub Main()  
        Dim x, y, z As Integer  
        x = 12  
        y = 25  
        Dim a, b As Double  
        a = 5 ' a = 5(00000101)  
        b = 9 ' b = 9(00001001)  
        ' Use of And Operator  
        z = x And y  
        Console.WriteLine(" BitShift Operator x And y is {0}", z)  
        'Use of Or Operator  
        z = x Or y  
        Console.WriteLine(" BitShift Operator x Or y is {0}", z)  
        z = x Xor y  
        Console.WriteLine(" BitShift Operator x Xor y is {0}", z)  
        z = Not y  
        Console.WriteLine(" BitShift Operator Not y is {0}", z)  
        'Use of << Left-Shift Operator  
        ' Output is 00001010  
        Console.WriteLine(" Bitwise Left Shift Operator - a<<1 = {0}", a << 1)  
        'Output is 00010010  
        Console.WriteLine(" Bitwise Left Shift Operator - b<<1 = {0}", b << 1)  
        'Use of >> Right-Shift Operator  
        'Output is 00000010  
        Console.WriteLine(" Bitwise Right Shift Operator - a>>1 = {0}", a << 1)  
        'Output is 00000100  
        Console.WriteLine(" Bitwise Right Shift Operator - b>>1 = {0}", a << 1)  
        Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
    End Sub  
End Module 

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

BitShift Operator x And y is 8
BitShift Operator x Or y is 29
BitShift Operator x Xor y is 21
BitShift Operator Not y is -26
Bitwise Left Shift Operator – a<<1 = 10 Bitwise Left Shift Operator – b<<1 = 18 Bitwise Right Shift Operator – a>>1 = 10
Bitwise Right Shift Operator – b>>1 = 10
Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡ VB.net Online Compiler

Assignment Operators in VB.net

The Assignment Operators in VB.net are used to assign the value to variables.

The following table shows all the Assignment Operators in VB.net.

Assignment Operators in VB.netDescriptionExample
=It is a simple assignment Operator used to assign a right-side operand or value to a left side operand.X = 5, X assign a value 5
X = P + Q, (P + Q) variables or value assign to X.
+=An Add AND assignment Operator is used to add the value of the right operand to the left operand. And the result is assigned to the left operand.X += 5, which means
X= X+5 ( 5 will add and assign to X and then result saved to Left X operand)
-=It is a Subtract AND assignment Operator, which subtracts the right operand or value from the left operand. And then, the result will be assigned to the left operand.X -= P, which is same as X = X – P
*=It is a Multiply AND assignment Operator, which multiplies the right operand or value with the left operand. And then, the result will be assigned to the left operand.X *= P, which is same as X = X – P
/=It is a Divide AND assignment Operator, which divides the left operand or value with the right operand. And then, the result will be assigned to the left operand (in floating-point).X /= P, which is same as X = X – P
\=It is a Divide AND assignment Operator, which divides the left operand or value with the right operand. And then, the result will be assigned to the left operand (in integer-point division).X \= P, which is same as X = X – P
^=It is an expression AND assignment Operator, which raises the left operand or value to the right operand’s power. And then, the result will be assigned to the left operand.X ^= P, which is same as X = X ^ P
&=It is a concatenate string assignment Operator used to bind the right-hand string or variable with the left-hand string or variable. And then, the result will be assigned to the left operand.Str &= name, which is same as Str = Str & name
Assignment Operators in VB.net

Example Program of VB.net Assignment Operators:

Imports System  
Module Assign_Operator  
    Sub Main()  
        'Declare variable and b As Integer  
        Dim A As Integer = 5  
        Dim B As Integer  
        Dim Str, name As String  
        name = "come"  
        Str = "Wel"  
        'Use of = Operator  
        B = A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Assign value A to B is {0}", B)  
        'Use of += Operator  
        B += A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of B += A is {0}", B)  
        'Use of -= Operator  
        B -= A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of B -= A is {0}", B)  
        'Use of *= Operator  
        B *= A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of B *= A is {0}", B)  
        'Use of /= Operator  
        B /= A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of B /= A is {0}", B)  
        'Use of = Operator  
        B \= A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of B \= A is {0}", B)  
        'Use of ^= Operator  
        B ^= A  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of B ^= A is {0}", B)  
        'Use of &= Operator  
        Str &= name  
        Console.WriteLine(" Output of Str &= name is {0}", Str)  
        Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
    End Sub  
End Module

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Assign value A to B is 5
Output of B += A is 10
Output of B -= A is 5
Output of B *= A is 25
Output of B /= A is 5
Output of B = A is 1
Output of B ^= A is 1
Output of Str &= name is Welcome
Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡ VB.net Online Compiler

Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net

Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net It is applied to an operand in an asynchronous method or lambda expression to suspend execution of the method until the awaited task is completed.

The following table shows all the Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net.

Miscellaneous Operators in VB.netDescriptionExample
AwaitAn Await Operator is used in an operand to suspend the execution of an asynchronous method or lambda expression until the awaited task completes.Dim output as out = Await AsyncMethodThatReturnsResult() Await AsyncMethod()
AddressOfThe AddressOf Operator is used to provide a reference to the address of a procedure.AddHandler Button2.Click, AddressOf Button2_Click
GetTypeA GetType Operator is used to retrieve the type of the specified object. In addition, the retrieved object type provides various information such as methods, properties, and events.MsgBox(GetType(String).ToString())
Function ExpressionIt defines the lambda expression, which declares the parameter and code. A Lambda expression is a function that is used to calculate and return value without defining the name.Dim mul2 = Function(num As Integer) num * 4
IfThe If Operator using short circuit evaluation to conditionally return a single object value from two defined object values. The If Operator can be used with two or three defined arguments.Dim a = -4
Console.WriteLine(If (a >= 0,
“Positive”, “Negative”))
Miscellaneous Operators in VB.net

Example Program of VB.net Miscellaneous Operators:

Imports System  
Module Misc_Operator  
    Sub Main()  
        ' Initialize a variable  
        Dim a As Integer = 50  
        ' GetType of the Defined Type  
        'Use of Function()   
        Dim multiplywith10 = Function(sum As Integer) sum * 10  
        Console.WriteLine(If(a >= 0, "Negative", "Positive"))  
        Console.WriteLine(" Press any key to exit...")  
    End Sub  
End Module  

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result:

Press any key to exit…

You can test the above example here! ➡ VB.net Online Compiler


  • An Operators in VB.Net refers to a symbol that instructs the compiler to perform a specific logical or mathematical manipulation.
  • VB.Net supports the use of operators to perform arithmetic, logical, and comparison operations.
  • Operators are divided into various categories.
  • Operators operate on operands.
  • We can use arithmetic operators to perform various mathematical operations in VB.NET.
  • Comparison operators in VB.net are used for making comparisons between variables.
  • Logical operators in VB.net help us in making logical decisions.

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