Uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token react

The uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token reactjs usually happens when you’re working with React.

React is a widely used JavaScript library for creating user interfaces.

If this is your first time encountering this error message, definitely, you’re wondering how to resolve it. If so, keep on reading!

In this article, we’ll discuss how to fix the uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token reactjs error message.

What is “uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token react”?

The error message uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token in reactjs occurs when the JavaScript interpreter encounters an unexpected character in your code.

When this error happens, it stops the code from running and prevents the React component from being displayed properly.

Why does the “reactjs unexpected token” SyntaxError occur?

This error message usually occurs when there is a mistake in the way the React code is written, causing it to not work correctly.

It can be caused by a number of different reasons, including:

👉Incorrect syntax

👉Incorrect file paths

👉Unexpected data types.

How to fix “uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token react”?

To fix the uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token reactjs error message, execute the following steps:

Solution 1: Add type=”text/babel” to the script tag

One possible solution is to add type=”text/babel” as an attribute of the script tag used to include the JavaScript file that must be transformed by JSX Transformer.

For example:

<script type="text/babel" src="./yourfile.js"></script>

If you are new, and confused what is babel? here it is

What is Babel?

Babel is a handy tool for JavaScript that helps make newer code compatible with older browsers.

It converts modern JavaScript into a version that can be understood by older systems, ensuring your code works well across different platforms.

Solution 2: Verify the import statement

Double-check your import statement for React and ensure it is imported correctly. Make sure the import statement is written as follows:

import React from 'react';

If you have made any typing mistakes or spelled the package name incorrectly, make sure to correct them accordingly.

Solution 3: Compile JSX to JavaScript using Babel

One option is to use Babel to convert JSX code into JavaScript. You can find instructions on how to set up a toolchain for this on the React website.

Solution 4: Verify your syntax

The error could be due to incorrect syntax in your code. Use a code editor or an online syntax checker to review your code and ensure it follows the correct syntax rules.

Solution 5: Verify your file paths

Incorrect file paths in your code can lead to this error. Double-check that all file paths are accurate and that all required files are present in the specified locations.

Solution 6: Check for unexpected data types

The error might be caused by unexpected data types in your code. Confirm that all data types are appropriate and that all necessary data is included as expected.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Why I am encountering the “uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token reactjs” error in my console?

The uncaught syntaxerror: unexpected token react error typically occurs when there is an issue with the syntax or structure of your React code. It may be due to incorrect import statements, missing dependencies, syntax errors in JSX code, or build process misconfigurations.

How can I avoid the “uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token react” error?

To prevent this error, ensure that you have imported React correctly, installed all necessary dependencies, and validated your JSX code for any syntax errors. Additionally, double-check your build process configuration to avoid any issues during the bundling process.

Is the “uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token react” error specific to React applications?

Yes, the error message specifically mentions React because it occurs when the JavaScript parser encounters unexpected tokens while parsing React code.

However, similar error messages related to unexpected tokens can occur in other JavaScript applications as well.


In conclusion, the error message uncaught syntaxerror unexpected token in reactjs occurs when the JavaScript interpreter encounters an unexpected character in your code.

This article already discussed what this error is all about and multiple ways to resolve this error.

By executing the solutions above, you can master this SyntaxError with the help of this guide.

You could also check out other SyntaxError articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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