Uncaught syntaxerror missing after argument list

The uncaught syntaxerror missing after the argument list is an error message you’ll encounter while working with JavaScript.

This error message might be confusing, especially if you’re new to this error.

However, this article made a comprehensive guide for you.

So that it would be easy for you to understand and troubleshoot the syntaxerror missing after argument list error message.

What is “syntaxerror: missing after argument list”?

The error message uncaught syntaxerror missing after argument list occurs when there is an error inside of the function call.

We use brackets and parentheses to indicate the beginning and the end of function calls.

For example:

function sample(website) {
  console.log("Hi welcome to, " + website + "!");


If you try to run this code, technically, you’ll face the syntaxerror missing after argument list, if there’s a missing syntax before a function is closed.

What are the root causes of “uncaught syntaxerror missing after argument list” error occur?

The uncaught syntaxerror: missing after argument list error occurs because of the following causes.

Here are the common causes of this error, such as:

👎 When there is a typo, a mistake, or omission in the syntax of your code following a function call.

👎 Forgetting to include parentheses or misplacing them can trigger this error. It often occurs when calling a function without the required parentheses after its name.

👎 Incorrectly using unexpected characters, such as a comma or semicolon, can lead to this error. These characters should only appear within the function call syntax.

How to fix “uncaught syntaxerror missing after argument list”?

To fix the uncaught syntaxerror missing ) after argument list error, you need to carefully check your code for missing or extra parentheses. This error can be easily fixed by adding the missing syntax in the appropriate location.

Solution 1: Add the missing closing parenthesis

For example:

Incorrect code:

function sample(website) {
  console.log("Hi welcome to, " + website + "!");


There’s a missing closing parenthesis in the function call sample(“itsourcecode”;

To fix the error, we simply need to add the closing parenthesis at the end of the function call.

function sample(website) {
  console.log("Hi welcome to, " + website + "!");



Hi welcome to, Itsourcecode!

Solution 2: Remove unnecessary characters

For example:

Incorrect code:

function sample(website) {
    console.log("Hi welcome to, " + website + "!");

As you can see in this example, there is an unnecessary semicolon (;) after the function name in the function call sample;(“Itsourcecode”);.

In order to fix the error, we just need to remove the semicolon.

Corrected code:

function sample(website) {
  console.log("Hi welcome to, " + website + "!");



Hi welcome to, Itsourcecode!

Solution 3: Double-check Parentheses

Missing parentheses is one of the common causes of this error. To avoid this error, make sure you have the correct number of parentheses in the right places when calling a function.

Check the syntax and verify that each opening parenthesis has a corresponding closing parenthesis.

Solution 4: Verify function arguments

When the error message indicates that something is missing after the argument list, you must check the function’s documentation or definition.

Ensure you are passing the correct number of arguments to the function when calling it. Verify the order and data types of the arguments as well.

Solution 5: Check for unexpected characters

The common reasons for this error are the unexpected characters like commas, semicolons, or other symbols that should not be present within the argument list.

Remove any unnecessary characters that might be causing the error.

To avoid this error, you must carefully examine the function call statement for any unexpected characters.


In conclusion, the error message uncaught syntaxerror missing after argument list occurs when there is an error inside of the function call.

This article already discussed what this error is all about and multiple ways to resolve this it.

By executing the solutions above, you can master this Syntaxerror with the help of this guide.

You could also check out other “SyntaxError” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊

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