How To Sort A List In Python

This article will explore the use of Python’s sort() function. This function is great on How To Sort A List In Python.

You will also learn about the sorted() function to see when it is best to use each one and how they differ from each other.

By the end of this article, you will have a basic understanding of sorting a list in Python.

You will also know how to customize these lists to fit in with your needs. 

Understanding The Language 

The syntax is simple compared to lots of other programs. However, you may still struggle to understand some of the languages that are used.

So, let’s look at some of the syntax involved with the sort() method.

When you sort a list using the sort() function, the list will be sorted in place, meaning that the order of elements that existed originally will be changed.

Below are some important syntaxes for the sort() function:

  • list_name. This is what the name of the list that you are working on is called. 
  • sort(). This is the method that is used to sort the lists. You can choose to sort the information in ascending or descending order. 
  • In sort() there are two options. Reverse and key.
    • The reverse is the first optional parameter, indicating whether your list will be sorted in ascending or descending order.
    • To indicate this, you will need to use the syntax of true and false. False means that the list will be sorted in ascending order, and true means the opposite. True means that it will be sorted in descending order
  • Key is the second optional parameter and it is a function which is used to specify any sorting criteria that is more detailed.

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How To List Items In Ascending Order

The sort() function automatically sorts the items of a list in ascending order. Ascending order refers to the list items being arranged from lowest value to highest value.

This is by default and is programmed into the system. In Python, this refers to the lower value being on the left hand side and the highest value on the right. 

If you were hoping to sort your list in this way you would type: list_name.sort().

You can also achieve the same things when you are sorting a number of strings.

How To List Items In Descending Order

If you want your Sort A List In Python to be sorted in descending order then you will need to use the optional reverse parameter which is included in the sort() method.

Descending order is where the list is arranged from the highest value to the lowest value.

In order to achieve this, the syntax will look like this: list_name.sort(reverse=True).

This will mean that the numbers are sorted in the opposite order to the function above. 

How To Sort Your Items Using Key 

You can use the key function within the sort() method in order to achieve a more customized sort. You need to assign the key parameter with a value.

It has to be a value that can be called, which means that it can be referenced.

For example, methods and functions can be called. This is assigned to the key before any sorting takes place and will help to lay out how the function should be sorted. 

If you are sorting a list of strings and you are sorting them in terms of their length then you will assign len() to the key parameter.

When this function is used, it will count the length of all of the things that will be listed by counting the characters that are in the element.

What Is The Difference Between Sort() And Sorted()

These two functions are very similar. Sort() and sorted() just have a few small differences. 

Sorted() is a function that is built-in to Python and it accepts an iterable.

Through this function, you can sort the list. Sorted () is also different because it accepts three parameters.

Two are optional and one is required. List_name functions as a required parameter.

Reverse and key are also accepted in sorted(). These two optional parameters are the same as the sort() method’s parameters.

Sort() and sorted() have one main difference between them. This is that the sorted() function returns a sorted copy of a list which contains all the elements of the original list but in a more sorted order. 

Sort() method simply changes the original list by changing the order of the things that are in the list.

The sorted() method has a return value which means that it provides a sorted copy of the original list. 

Know When To Use Sort() And Sorted()

When you are choosing between using sort() and sorted() there are a few important things to consider.

  • Consider what type of data you are working with. If you are working with a list from the very beginning, then you may need to use the sort() method as this can only be used on lists. However, if you are working with something else that is not yet a list, you should use the sorted() function.
  • Consider if it is important that you retain the original order of the list. Sort() will mean that you lose the original order of the list and you will not be able to view the original. However, sorted() allows you to create a new list but also keep the original list.
  • Consider whether the system has enough memory if you are working with lots of data. Sort() takes up less memory because it doesn’t save all the new lists, it simply overwrites the list with the new one. Sort(ed) takes up quite a lot of memory and so you should consider if the memory is sufficient for this.


If you want to explore you learning about python programming, I have here the different Python Tutorials for Beginners.

Final Thoughts 

So, now you know how to use both the sort() and sorted() method. You are now able to sort a Sort A List In Python using these functions. You are also aware of the differences between the two. 

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