How To Check Python Version

In this tutorial, we will learn on How To Check Python Version is a programming language with many different versions, categorized by their release date.

It is very popular, and certain applications will need you to have a certain version of Python.

This article will explore how you can check your Python version.

This article will teach you how to check the Python version on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

You will learn very quickly how to find the version number.

It is very important that you are able to access this information as it gives you the opportunity to better troubleshoot any problems that you may encounter.

Also read: Python Next Function (With Examples)

Check Your Python Version on Windows 

It is very easy to check your Python version. On Windows, follow these steps below:

  1. Press win+R
  2. Type in ‘powershell’
  3. Press OK, alternatively, you can press Enter.
  4. On the command line, type python- -version. Or you can type in python -V. 
  5. Press enter. You should then get a result.

Check Your Python Version On macOS

On Mac, there is a different way to check your Python version. Follow these steps:

  1. Go to Finder
  2. Click on the Applications button.
  3. Choose Utilities
  4. Choose Terminal
  5. On the command line, type python- -version. Or you can type in python -V. 
  6. Press enter. You should then get a result.

Check Your Python Version On Linux 

On Linux, it is different again. You will simply need to follow these steps:

  1. Open the terminal window.
  2. On the command line, type python- -version. Or you can type in python -V. 
  3. Press enter. You should then get a result.

Where To Find The Result 

You will get some information on your screen after you have followed these steps. The information may differ depending on a few different factors. However, the version will always be listed.

You are looking for the word ‘Python’ followed by a version number. For example, it may look like this: Python 3.8.3.

Usually, you will only want to know the major version, which is the first number in the version number. For instance, Python 3.8.3 is Python 3.

What Is The Difference Between The Two Versions?

There are two main versions of Python, so let’s explore the difference between the two. 

Versions of Python

Python 2 

Python 2 is an older version which has now been discontinued. As of January 1, 2020, the software is no longer being updated.

This means that any bugs found after that date will no longer be fixed.

It has been advised that anyone who is using Python 2 should move on to Python 3 as soon as possible. 

Python 2 is simply an older version of Python that was used across IT operations and software development

Python 3 

Python 3 was introduced in 2008. It is very different to Python 2 and it is actually a lot easier to navigate and understand.

You should choose Python 3 for many reasons, mainly because Python 3 is no longer supported.

Occasionally, it may be the case that your company’s code is written in Python 2, in which case you may need to learn about it in order to work with it.

However, this shouldn’t be the case too often as Python 2 has been discontinued for a while.

This will become more rare over time.

How to Learn Python

If you are looking to learn Python 3, you will need to have a look at the learning program that is available on

This site will teach you the theory, as well as let you work with the system by taking part in the interactive coding challenges. There are at least 400 of these on the site.

Python is a very simple and effective programming language, from which you will benefit greatly.

It doesn’t take very long to learn how to use Python, and you will benefit so much from knowing how to use it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Python?

Python is a high-level programming language that has built-in data structures, as well as dynamic typing and binding.

It is simple and easy to use, which makes it very readable and low cost. It is easy to use across businesses. It has a very extensive standard library which means that it is a huge source that is freely distributed.

Why Do Programmers Like Python?

Python provides extra productivity at a very low price. The process from beginning to end is very fast and the interpreter discovers errors on their own.

There is a debugger attached to the system, so it will deal with any problems very quickly and without the need for lots of complications.

It is one of a kind and universally understood. It is also quick to learn and easy to fix any problems that you encounter.

What Is The History Of Python?

Python first came around in 1991. It was widely used very quickly. It was designed by Guido Van Rossum, who created the Python Software Foundation.

It was developed with a focus on the readability of codes. From its first development until now, the syntax that Python uses allows programmers to use very few lines of code to express their ideas, which, on other systems, would take much longer.

Work on Python started in the late 1980s in the Netherlands. Initially, Guido Van Rossom started the work as a hobby during his Christmas break.

But this turned out to be a very successful hobby, and it became one of the most popular coding languages out there, making history in lots of different ways!

Final Thoughts 

Python is a great programming language that is commonly used by programmers due to its ease of use and the many positives that come along with it.

Now that you know how to check the version of Python that you are using, you will find it a lot easier to troubleshoot problems. You will be able to find the version for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

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