Easy Ways to Learn Python Max Int

This article will show you the easiest ways to learn Python max int and how to obtain the maximum integer value in various Python versions.

In Python 2, there’s a max limit in int. When the value of an integer reaches 231 – 1, its data type changes automatically to long integers, and no exception is thrown.

What is the Max int in Python?

The max int limit in Python 2 is 9223372036854775807, and everything above this value will be converted directly to long.

Also, in Python 3, sys.maxint does not exist since the data type integer has no longer a limit.

In Python 2 and 3, however, we may use sys.maxsize to obtain the maximum value of the Py_ssize_t type.

It is also the maximum size that lists, strings, and dictionaries can have.

How to get Max int in Python?

To find the maximum integer value in Python, you can use the sys.maxsize constant, which is part of the built-in sys module.

The sys.maxsize constant returns the largest positive integer that can be handled by Python on the current platform.

import sys

max_int = sys.maxsize
print(f"The Python Max Int is: {max_int}")

The output will be:

The Python Max Int is: 9223372036854775807

On most systems, the value of sys.maxsize is 9223372036854775807, which is approximately 9.2 quintillion.

However, it’s important to note that this value may vary based on the underlying platform and the version of Python you are using.

Get Python integer maximum using the sys Module

Below is the example to get the maximum integer in Python 2 using the sys.maxint, equal to 231 – 1:

import sys




How do you print max numbers in Python?

Example of how to print max numbers in Python:

import sys

if sys.maxsize == 2**63 - 1:
   print("It is a 64-bit computer.")

if sys.maxsize == 2**31 -1:
   print("It is a 32-bit computer.")

print("The type of sys.maxsize is",type(sys.maxsize))

print("The value of sys.maxsize is",sys.maxsize)


It is a 64-bit computer.
The type of sys.maxsize is <class 'int'>
The value of sys.maxsize is 9223372036854775807

The output shows that the computer is 64-bit where the script has been executed.

The type of sys.maxsize is int, and the value of sys.maxsize is 9223372036854775807.

Python Max Int and Beyond: Handling Overflow

One common issue when dealing with large numbers in Python is overflow.

Overflow occurs when the result of a calculation exceeds the maximum representable value for a data type.

In the case of Python Max Int, if you perform an operation that results in a value greater than 9223372036854775807, an overflow error will occur.

To handle overflow situations, you can use conditional statements to check for potential overflow before performing calculations:

def safe_addition(a, b):
    max_int = sys.maxsize
    if a > max_int - b:
        print("Overflow may occur!")
    return a + b

result = safe_addition(9223372036854775800, 100)

The output will be:

Overflow may occur!

By checking for potential overflow, you can avoid unexpected behavior and ensure that your calculations are accurate.


In conclusion, we learned that in Python 2, there is a maximum int.

If it exceeds its limit, int to long data types are automatically switched, while Python 3 has unlimited precision, which means there is no explicitly defined maximum int.

The integer and long data types are the same. This means that even if it exceeds its limits, there are no changes in data types.

You may also check Python Set Add Method with Examples.

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