STR Contains PHP Function With Examples

The str contains PHP is a function which use to return a position of the occurrence of the first substring into a string.

In this article, we will talk about PHP str_contains function in a detailed explanation as well as example programs that could be helpful to your future projects. This topic is a continuation of the previous topic, entitled PHP __call Magic Method.

What is str contains in PHP?

In PHP, str contains is a function that is used to check whether a given string contains a substring. This function can check a string and will return a boolean result once the string contains a substring the result will be true and false otherwise.

Further, this is a new function which has been introduced in PHP 8 version.


str_contains(string, substring) 


stringThis string parameter is required and it was intended to search an original string.
substringThis parameter is required and it was used to scan the string if they have been containing a substring.

An example program of PHP str contains

      $string = "ITSOURCECODE is one of the best website for providing free source code and tutorials"
      if (str_contains($string, 'best')) {
          echo "word found!";
      } else {
          echo "wod not found!";


word found!

How do I check if a string contains a string in PHP?

In order to check a string if contains a string we need to use the function name PHP str_contains this is a function which has been introduced in the newest version of PHP 8.

The function is simply used for checking a string if it contained a substring it will return a boolean a true and a false.

An example program of PHP str contains


    $givenString = 'ITSOURCECODE is one of the best website for providing free source code and tutorials';
    // else echo and false echo
    if (str_contains($givenString, 'best')) {
        echo "The given string 'best' was found in the string"."\n";
    if (str_contains($givenString, 'Best')) {
        echo 'The string "Best" was found in the string';
    } else {
        echo '"Lazy" was not found because the case does not match';



The string 'best' was found in the string
"Lazy" was not found because the case does not match

How do I find a word in a string in PHP?

The strstr() is a built-in function which is similar to strpos function that is used to find a word in a string. It simply takes a position of the first occurrence of a substring to be searched and then the chunk of text which will be searched for.

How do I check if a string contains text?

The includes() method allows us to check if a string contains a text this method returns a boolean a true or false. Once the string contains a text it will return true otherwise it will return false. Thus, this method is case sensitive and case insensitive.

How do you see if a string contains a character?

The contains() method can be used to see if a string contains a specific word or a character they check whether a string contains a sequence of characters and return a boolean a true and a false.

Which types of strings PHP contain?

  • heredoc syntax
  • nowdoc syntax
  • single quoted
  • double quoted


In summary, you have learned about str contains PHP function. This article also discussed what str contains in PHP, how do I check if a string contains a string, how do I find a word in a string, how do I check if a string contains text, how do you see if a string contains a character, and which types of strings PHP contain.

I hope this lesson has helped you learn a lot. Check out my previous and latest articles for more life-changing tutorials which could help you a lot.

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