Nameerror: name ‘datetime’ is not defined

How to fix the Python nameerror: name ‘datetime’ is not defined error message?

Fortunately, this article discusses what this error means and why it occurs.

By that, you’ll understand this error thoroughly and be able to fix the error in no time.

What is datetime in Python?

The datetime is a module in Python that provides classes for working with dates and times. It allows you to create, manipulate, and format dates and times in different ways.

What is “nameerror name ‘datetime’ is not defined”?

The error message nameerror: name ‘datetime’ is not defined occurs when you’re trying to use the datetime module, but the module is not yet imported.

Technically, the Python interpreter won’t recognize the name “datetime” in your code.

In simple words, you are using the datetime module without importing the module first.

Here’s the scenario wherein you will encounter this error:

date =

When we try to run this code, it will result in a name error that indicates name ‘datetime’ is not defined.

Why does this error occur?

The nameerror: name ‘datetime’ is not defined can be raised because of several reasons, such as:

❌ Failure to import the datetime module.

❌ If you misspelled the word “datetime” or used incorrect capitalization.

How to fix “nameerror name ‘datetime’ is not defined”?

To fix the nameerror name datetime is not defined, you have to add the import datetime statement at the beginning of your code before using it.

1. Import the datetime module

You need to import the datetime module using the import statement.

import datetime


Take note: import the module at the top or beginning of your code so that you can use it throughout your code.


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The datetime module is available in Python version 2 and Python version 3. However, the way you import the module differs in each version.

If you’re using Python 2, you need to import the module using the following code:

import datetime

If you’re using Python 3, you need to import the module using the following code:

from datetime import datetime

2. Import the datetime module using a different syntax

You can import the datetime module using a different syntax that allows you to import the parts of the module that you need, or you only need to use a specific function from the datetime module.

It can help to reduce clutter in your code and improve performance.

For example:

from datetime import datetime

current_time =


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3. Use alias for the datetime module

When importing multiple modules that contain the same named classes or functions, you can use an alias for the module to avoid name conflicts.

import datetime as dt

current_time =


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4. Check Typos

Double-check your spelling and capitalization and correct any mistakes.

For instance, if you wrote this code, import Datetime at the beginning of your code. Technically you’ll face the error because you wrote the incorrect spelling.

It should be written like this:

import datetime

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Why do I need to import the datetime module?

The datetime module is not automatically loaded into Python. You need to import it first in order to use it.

How can I tell which version of Python I’m running?

You can check which version of Python you’re running by opening a terminal or command prompt and execute the following command:

✅ python --version

It will display the version of Python that you are currently installing on your system.


In conclusion, the error message nameerror: name ‘datetime’ is not defined occurs when you’re trying to use the datetime module, but the module is not yet imported.

This article discusses what this error is all about and already provides solutions to help you fix the error message.

You could also check out other “nameerror” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊