Nameerror: name time is not defined

The nameerror: name time is not defined is a common error you might encounter when working in Python.

If you’re encountering this error right now and don’t know how to resolve it?

Keep reading, as we will hand you the solution to this error.

Aside from the solution, you’ll also have a better understanding with regards to this nameerror name time is not defined error message.

What is “nameerror name time is not defined”?

The error message nameerror: name ‘time’ is not defined occurs in Python when you are trying to use a variable or a function named “time” in your script without importing the time module first.

Therefore, the Python interpreter does not recognize what “time” you’re referring to.

For example:

def get_current_time():
    return time.strftime("%A, %D %M %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")

print("The current time is: " + get_current_time())

If we try to run this Python code, it will result in nameerror indicating that name ‘time’ is not defined.

Moreover, this error message is specific to Python’s time module. The time module is part of Python’s standard library and provides various functions for working with dates and times.

Why does the “nameerror: name time is not defined” error message occurs?

This error message can occur because of several factors, that include the following:

❌ Forget to import the time module in your code.

❌ If you have a typo in your code.

How to fix “nameerror: name time is not defined”?

To fix the nameerror name time is not defined you have to add the import time at the beginning of your code.

1. Import the time module

If you’re using the time module in your code, ensure to import it at the beginning of your code using the import statement.

This will ensure that Python recognizes any reference to “time.”

For example:

import time

def get_current_time():
    return time.strftime("%A, %D %M %Y %H:%M:%S +0000")

print("The current time is: " + get_current_time())

Take note: You have to import the time module at the top or the beginning of the code so that you can use it throughout your code.


The current time is: Tuesday, 05/09/23 00 2023 09:00:40 +0000

2. Use the from import syntax

You can also use the from import syntax to import only specific functions or variables from the time module.

Instead of importing the entire time module, in that way, it will make your code more readable and efficient.

# This line imports only the sleep function from the time module
✅ from time import sleep 

# Now the rest of the script will work without causing an error

print("Starting countdown...")
for i in range(5, 0, -1):
print("Go to sleep!")


Starting countdown...
Go to sleep!

3. Use alias for the time module

When using multiple modules in your Python script, and naming conflict arises.

You can use an alias to give the time module a different name.

In that way, you can refer to the time module using the alias instead of its original name.

For example:

✅ import time as t

print("The current time is: " + t.strftime("%H:%M:%S"))


The current time is: 09:20:02

4. Import the time function directly

Alternatively, when you only need to use one or two functions from the time module, you can import those functions directly instead of importing the entire module.

It can help you to keep your code organized and reduce the chance of naming conflicts.

from time import strftime

print("The current time is: " + strftime("%H:%M:%S"))


The current time is: 09:21:18

5. Check for typos

Oftentimes, this error can be caused by a simple typo in your code.
You should double-check your spelling and ensure that you’re using the correct function names and syntax.


In conclusion, the error message nameerror: name ‘time’ is not defined occurs in Python when you are trying to use a variable or a function named “time” in your script without importing the time module first.

This article discusses what this error is all about and already provides solutions to help you fix the error message.

You could also check out other “nameerror” articles that may help you in the future if you encounter them.

We are hoping that this article helps you fix the error. Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊