How to Insert Text in MS Word – Insert Text in MS Word
Insert Text in MS Word
We’ll talk about how to Insert Text in MS Word in this chapter. A lot of the time, you have to go back and add more text to an existing line. There are two ways to insert text to existing text in Microsoft Word, and we’ll show you how to use both of them.
Table of contents
What is Inserting Text in MS Word?
Inserting text is one of the many things that MS-Word can do. For example, if a user is writing something like an article or assignment, he or she might realize that they forgot to write something in the middle, at the beginning, or anywhere else in the document. So, in this case, the feature that comes in very handy is Inserting text, which will do the work for the user.
What is the Use of Inserting Text?
The use of Inserting text in MS Word it has the ability to position the cursor using the mouse or arrow keys at any point in a document and begin typing.
The insert text function permits you to add characters to your document without erasing your previous work.
How to Insert Text Quickly in Your Word Document
Time needed: 2 minutes
Here are the basic steps for inserting text or making a new document in Word;
- Insert Text in Microsoft Word with Text Replacement
Step 1: First open MS-Word on your PC.
Step 2: Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.
Step 3: Now, Put the cursor where you want to insert the text.
Step 4: Now, Write or type the text which needs to be inserted.
Like here we insert MS Word Tutorial. As shown in the figure below:
Step 5: So, the text is inserted successfully. - Insert Text in Microsoft Word with Text Replacement
Here are some examples on how to Insert Text in MS Word with replacing some text. Sometimes, a certain part of the whole document or some text needs to be changed to something else.
1. Open the document you wish to perform this action on, or create a new one.
2. Now, choose the text you’d like to change.
3. Now, press the “Backspace” key and start typing the text you want to add. Or, you can just start typing the text you want to insert, and the “selected text by default” feature will go away or be deleted when you do.
Here, we replace the first paragraph with “MS Word Tutorial for Beginners“.
Insert Text Using Textbox
The MS Word allows us to Insert Text boxes anywhere within the document where required. This is another excellent tool provided by Microsoft Word.
A text box is an object you can add to your document that lets you put and type text anywhere in your file. Text boxes can be useful for drawing attention to specific text and can also be helpful when you need to move text around in your document
Now, Open the document or create a new one in which you want to perform this operation.

Now, go to “insert tab” above. (As shown in the image below)

Now, In the insert tab, there is a section called “Text“.

Now, In section Text, there is an option called “Text box“. Click on that option of Text box. Then, Select one of the text boxes available as per you choice. Here, for example, a simple text box has been selected.

Now, insert text or type anything that you want.

In summary, we’ve talked about Inserting text in MS Word as well as what those terms mean. Also, we learn different ways to insert text in a document.
We hope this guide helps you as you plan to create a document in MS Word.