Modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘object_detection’

In this article, we will show you the solutions and discuss the causes of the modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘object_detection’ and ways to fix it.

This error, modulenotfounderror no module named object_detection, usually occurs, especially when you are working with this library and you are new to the Python computer language.

This error is easy to fix, so you don’t have to worry because we’ll show you the solutions for this error.

On the other hand, this error no module named ‘object_detection’ implies to you that Python cannot find the required module for the Object Detection API.

And sometimes this simple error turns into something irritating for developers and programmers.

What is Object Detection in Python?

Object Detection is a library in Python that process and is used for object detection or locating objects, image recognition, and other important computer vision tasks with bounding boxes in a video or image.

Why Modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘object_detection’ occur?

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘object_detection’

The Modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘object_detection’ occurs when Python cannot find the required module for the Object Detection API.

One of the reasons could be a missing module or an error in the installation of the object detection API.

Note: The ‘object_detection’ API should be installed correctly so that it will allow the rest of the code to work properly.

What are the causes of Modulenotfounderror: No Module Named ‘Object_detection’

1. Missing Module.

This is the main reason why the no module named object_detection appears. When the Object Detection API is not installed properly, Python is certainly unable to find the module.

2. Incorrect way of installation.

Always remember that when the installation of the Object Detection API is not done properly, missing modules are the result, and probably you’ll get the modulenotfounderror.

3. The incorrect way of importing the statement.

It is one of the reasons why the error occurred because of the incorrect way of importing the statement.

When the import statement for the Object Detection API is not written properly, Python will not be able to find the module.

How to fix Modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘object_detection’

Time needed: 2 minutes

Now, we are going to explore the different ways how we are going to fix the no module named ‘object_detection’.
The solutions for this are very easy at the same time it is simple.

  1. Install object-detection.

    This command will Install the object-detection in your system.

    pip install object-detection

    Install object-detection.

    When the installation of the object-detection Python library is done, the modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘object-detection’ error will be solved right away.

  2. Check Object Detection API if it is installed correctly.

    To ensure if it is installed correctly you can check by using the pip command. Just input the following command in your terminal or command prompt.

    pip list

    Check Object Detection API if it is installed correctly.
    By using this command, you’ll be able to see if it is not installed because it will display a bunch of information.
    When it is not installed, use the “pip install object_detection” command to install it.

  3. Verify the Installation.

    After you have installed the Object Detection API, it is essential to verify the installation. You can do this by running the following command in the terminal.

    python -c ‘import object_detection

    This command will verify if the module is installed and is accessible to Python.

  4. Check the Import Statement when you still get the error.

    When the Object Detection API is installed correctly and you still encounter the ModuleNotFound error. You should check the import statement to make sure that you have written it correctly.

    The import statement should look like this: “from object_detection.utils import label_map_util.”

  5. Set the PYTHONPATH

    After all the process and still you are keep encountering the modulenotfounderror, then you should try setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
    You can set it by using the following command in your command prompt or terminal.

    export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/object_detection

Note: The PYTHONPATH is a list of directories that Python searches for modules.

If you’ve done all the solutions that we provided above and still the error is not resolved, follow this command:

pip install tensorflow-object-detection-api


This article already provides the solutions for modulenotfounderror no module named ‘object_detection’ that you’ve encountered.

These solutions will surely help you solve the error, and we also provide the reason behind it so that next time you won’t encounter that error again.

We hope that this tutorial for the error no module named object_detection is a big help for you to solve the error about

Thank you very much for continuing to read until the end of this article.

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