modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘google.colab’

In this tutorial, I will teach you the step by steps solutions to resolve the modulenotfounderror no module named google colab error.

What is google.colab?

The google.colab is a module that is specialized to Google Colaboratory, which is a cloud-based platform when running a Python code.

It also provides more useful features like an access to Google Drive and GPUs.

In addition, you may also read or visit the other resolved errors in python:

Why the error no module named ‘google.colab’ occur?

The error “modulenotfounderror no module named google.colab” occurs because the python cannot find the installed google.colab module on your system.

Also it does not found in the current python path environment you are using.

Here are the common causes of this error:

  • It does not run the code in a Google Colaboratory notebook.
  • The necessary runtime features are not enabled.
  • The module is not installed in your Python environment.
  • It has Internet connection issues.
  • It has Google Colaboratory service issues.

Advantages of google.colab

  • It is free to use.
  • It has access to GPUs and TPUs.
  • It is Integrated with Google Drive.
  • It is easy to share and collaborate.
  • It has Pre-installed libraries and tools.
  • It has an Interactive coding environment.
  • It is good for Jupyter Notebook integration.

How to solve the modulenotfounderror: no module named google.colab?

Time needed: 3 minutes

Here are the solutions to solve the modulenotfounderror: no module named google.colab in your Windows, Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook.

  • Solutions 1: Install google-colab module in Windows

    Open terminal or command prompt in your project folder root directory and install google-colab module in Windows with the following command:

    pip install google-colab

    After you running the command above it will download and install the dependencies and packages on your python environment. Which is look like the image below.

    install google colab in modulenotfounderror no module named 'google.colab'

  • Solution 2: Install google-colab module in Anaconda

    If you want to run google-colab from your local machine and you want to install it via conda, just type the following command:

    conda install -c conda-forge google-colab

  • Solution 3: Install google-colab module in Jupyter Notebook

    The following command to install the google-colab module in Jupyter Notebook.

    !pip install google-colab

    install google colab for jupyter notebook in modulenotfounderror no module named 'google.colab'


To conclude in this tutorial, we already provided the meaning of google.colab, along with the advantages.

Also we provided the best solutions to solve the error modulenotfounderror: no module named ‘google.colab’ in the different platforms such as windows, anaconda and jupyter notebook.

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