WebAssembly vs JavaScript Performance: Which one is better?

People often debate WebAssembly vs JavaScript performance, considering factors like security and browser compatibility.

Which technology provides stronger security? And which one is more widely supported by web browsers?

In this article, we are going to learn WebAssembly vs JavaScript you will see their performance distinctions concerning security, speed, and flexibility.

What is “webassembly”?

WebAssembly or also called its abbreviated name (Wasm), is a new type of code that can be run in modern web browsers.

Wasm is a versatile tool that allows developers to include additional programming languages, namely C/C++, C#, and Rust, to be compiled and run on their web applications, regardless of the platform they are working on.

In addition to that, it is a low-level assembly language that works in major web browsers. It aims to be faster than JavaScript to handle high-performance web tasks.

Unlike JavaScript, which is compiled at runtime, WebAssembly is pre-compiled during development and executed by the browser, similar to how Java works.

Moreover, WebAssembly (Wasm) is not a programming language itself. Rather, it is an assembly language that has the potential to compile various programming languages into a format that web browsers can interpret.

Note: It is important to understand that the developers of WebAssembly consider it as an addition to JavaScript, not a replacement for it.

Webassembly advantages

Here are the advantages if you are using Wasm:

✅ Users experience faster loading times with smaller files.

✅ It is a W3C web standard and is supported by all major web browsers.

✅ It can utilize the same web APIs as JavaScript.

✅ It provides code that is almost like native code, without requiring installations or raising local security concerns, and it doesn’t consume much disk space.

✅ Wasm compiles an increasing range of programming languages into machine code.

✅ binary files facilitate easier debugging for humans who have access to the text

✅ It’s universal and can be used for a wide range of applications

📌Note: There’s no need to learn a new programming language as developers can use any programming language that can compile code to Wasm.

Webassembly disadvantages

Here are some of the disadvantages of Wasm:

❌ The application is limited by the capabilities of the web browser being used.

❌ It relies on JavaScript to interact with the Document Object Model (DOM) instead of directly interacting with it.

❌ It does not have built-in automatic memory management (garbage collection) at the moment, but there are plans to add it later.

❌ To utilize the app, the client’s hardware and software need to support certain capabilities, such as WebAssembly.

❌ The download size of the app is larger, resulting in longer loading times.

❌ There is a risk of potential security issues that could make it easier for criminals to hide malware, carry out phishing attempts, and similar activities.

What is “JavaScript”?

JavaScript is a computer programming language that gives developers and programmers the power to make web pages dynamic and interactive.

JavaScript (JS) is a widely used language that works alongside HTML and CSS for web development.

It has been the go-to choice for many years, and major web browsers have dedicated engines to run JavaScript code.

Moreover, JavaScript is a versatile programming language that is often described as lightweight. It can be interpreted or just-in-time compiled, and it boasts first-class functions.

While it is commonly recognized as the scripting language for web pages, it has expanded its reach to non-browser environments like Node.js, Apache CouchDB, and Adobe Acrobat.

It is known for making websites interactive and responsive to users’ actions. It has built-in libraries and frameworks on top of JavaScript, enhancing its functionality.

JavaScript advantages

Here are the advantages of JavaScript:

✅ JavaScript is known for its high speed since it is commonly executed directly within the user’s web browser.

✅ It is used by many developers and programmers all around the world.

✅ The availability of libraries and frameworks makes it easy for developers to choose the functions they need the most while creating web apps, mobile apps, and other digital products.

✅ It is compatible with all major web browsers and almost all other web browsers.

✅ JavaScript executes on the client-side instead of the backend, helping to save bandwidth.

JavaScript disadvantages

Here are the disadvantages of JavaScript:

❌ Large projects demand significant effort for configuration.

❌ The Document Object Model (DOM) interprets JavaScript at a slower pace compared to HTML and WebAssembly (Wasm).

❌ User security may be compromised due to potential vulnerabilities on the client-side. Consequently, some individuals opt to disable JavaScript altogether.

What is the difference between “webassembly vs javascript”?

WebAssembly and JavaScript are both commonly used in web development but have different roles and performance traits.

Take a look at the table below, where it is more clear to see their differences in Execution Environment:

WebAssembly JavaScript
WebAssembly is a binary format that runs alongside JavaScript in the browser, functioning as a low-level virtual machine.JavaScript is a scripting language that works inside web browsers, making web pages interactive and dynamic.

Take a look at the table below, where it is more clear to see their differences in Performance:

WebAssembly is designed for high-performance tasks and can achieve speeds close to native code by utilizing low-level optimizations and efficient memory management.JavaScript, while being interpreted, has faced performance limitations in the past.

However, improvements in JavaScript engines and just-in-time (JIT) compilation have greatly increased its execution speed.

Take a look at the table below, where it is more clear to see their differences in Language Support:

WebAssembly supports multiple programming languages like C, C++, Rust, and more.

Developers can compile code written in these languages to WebAssembly and seamlessly incorporate it into their web applications.
JavaScript is a popular high-level language known for its ease of learning and broad usage.

It benefits from a vast collection of libraries and frameworks, making it suitable for various web development projects.

WebAssembly versus JavaScript which is better to use?

The performance comparison between WebAssembly vs JavaScript depends on the particular task at hand.

WebAssembly can be faster than JavaScript in some cases because it is closer to machine code and can be executed more efficiently by the browser.

However, there are still situations where JavaScript performs better.

WebAssembly is a good choice for tasks that require a lot of computation or when you want to bring existing code written in languages like C/C++ or Rust to the web.

On the other hand, JavaScript is great for building dynamic and interactive web pages, and it has a wide range of libraries and frameworks to support development.

Ultimately, the decision between WebAssembly and JavaScript depends on the specific needs of your project.

It’s also worth noting that you can use both technologies together, so you don’t have to choose one over the other.

WebAssembly security vs. JavaScript

WebAssembly offers security advantages over using only JavaScript. When WebAssembly is used as a “supercharged compiler” for JavaScript applications, it helps make the JavaScript code more secure during deployment.

WebAssembly code provides a level of security by being difficult to read for humans. It makes it more difficult for attackers to figure out the code and find and exploit weaknesses.

How fast is WebAssembly speed vs. JavaScript?

In terms of speed, WebAssembly can outperform JavaScript in certain situations because it is closer to machine code and can be executed more efficiently by the browser, as what we mentioned above.

For instance, a benchmark conducted by Ashley Peacock from Better Programming showed that WebAssembly was nearly twice as fast as JavaScript when calculating the cube of numbers.


In conclusion, this article provides an overview of the performance comparison between WebAssembly vs JavaScript. Both technologies have their strengths and weaknesses.

The choice between WebAssembly and JavaScript depends on the specific requirements of the project. WebAssembly is suitable for computationally intensive tasks and when integrating existing code from languages like C/C++ or Rust.

JavaScript excels in creating dynamic web experiences and has a vast ecosystem of tools and resources. It is also possible to use both technologies together to leverage their respective strengths.

We are hoping that this article helps you in understanding the difference between WebAssembly and JavaScript performance.

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Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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