parseFloat JavaScript: Easily Convert Strings to Numbers

The parseFloat JavaScript is a handy tool that converts a string into a decimal number.

It’s commonly used when you want to extract numeric values from strings, like user input or form data. This function is important when working with numbers in JavaScript.

In this article, we’ll explore how to use parseFloat(), and its syntax, and provide examples to help you understand how can it be useful.

What is parseFloat?

The parseFloat() function in JavaScript is used to convert a string representation of a number into a floating-point number.

It tries its best to convert the string into a number, but it stops as soon as it finds a character that doesn’t belong in a number, like a letter or a symbol. It also ignores any spaces at the beginning of the string.


The syntax for parseFloat() is as follows:



This function accepts a single parameter as mentioned above and described below:

  • String – This parameter, a mandatory input contains a string that is converted to a floating-point number.

Return value

It returns a floating-point Number and if the first character of a string cannot be converted to a number then the function returns NaN i.e., not a number.

How to use parsefloat in javascript?

To use parseFloat() function, you just need to give it a string as input, and it will try its best to convert it into a floating-point number.

Let’s take a look at some examples to understand its usage better.

Example 1: Basic Usage

const numString = '25.5';
const itscNum = parseFloat(numString);

console.log(typeof itscNum);



In this example, the parseFloat() function converts the string ‘25.5’ into the number 25.5.

We store the resulting value in the variable itscNum, which later on we can then utilize for various mathematical calculations.

Example 2: Handling Invalid Characters

const invalidString = '55 is the answer.';
const itscNum = parseFloat(invalidString);




In this example, the input string ’55 is the answer.’ has an invalid character ‘i’.

When we use the parseFloat() function, it stops parsing as soon as it sees this character. It extracts the numeric value 55 from the string and ignores the remaining part of the string.

Example 3: Parsing Numeric Portion of a String

const itscStrWthNum = 'Today is 8th July.';
const itscNum = parseFloat(itscStrWthNum);




In this case, the input string ‘Today is 8th July.‘ starts with the word ‘Today’, which is non-numeric.

As a result, the parseFloat() function fails to extract a valid floating-point number and returns NaN (Not a Number) instead.

Common Use Cases of parsefloat in javascript

Now that we have a good grasp of how parseFloat works in JavaScript and its syntax, let’s delve into some practical scenarios where this function can be used effectively.

1. User Input Validation

When working with user input in web applications, it is crucial to validate and clean the data before conducting any calculations.

In this case, parseFloat() function is helpful in parsing numerical input given by the user, ensuring that only valid numbers are utilized in further operations.

Consider the following example:

const userInput = document.getElementById("userInput").value;
const parsedInput = parseFloat(userInput);

if (isNaN(parsedInput)) {
  console.log("Invalid input");
} else {
  // Perform calculations with parsedInput

In this scenario, the parseFloat function helps protect against errors caused by invalid or harmful user input.

By validating and parsing the input, you can ensure the reliability and security of your application.

2. Data Extraction from APIs

Web applications frequently communicate with external APIs to obtain and handle data.

APIs usually deliver data in the form of strings, which may require conversion into numeric values for further analysis.

In such cases, the parseFloat JavaScript function proves to be useful.

For instance, when dealing with an API that supplies stock market data, the response may include different financial measurements, including stock prices.

To extract and make use of these prices, you can employ parseFloat to convert the string representations into meaningful numeric values.

  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => {
    const itscStckPrcStr = data.price;
    const stockPrice = parseFloat(itscStckPrcStr);
    // Perform operations with the parsed stock price
  .catch((error) => {
    console.log("Error fetching stock data:", error);

In this example, the parseFloat function guarantees that the stock price obtained from the API response is in the correct numeric format, suitable for subsequent calculations or display requirements.

Common Mistakes in parseFloat()

When utilizing the parseFloat() function, it is important to be mindful of possible traps and typical errors.

Here are some key points to remember:

📌 Not Providing Arguments

If you forget to provide an argument to the parseFloat() function, it can lead to errors or unpredictable outcomes.

📌 Whitespaces at the Beginning and End

Actually, parseFloat() ignores any whitespaces at the beginning or end of a string. However, if there are whitespaces within the string, it will stop parsing when it encounters them.

📌 Invalid Characters

Meanwhile, when the function encounters a non-numeric character, it stops parsing. This behavior can cause unexpected results if the input string contains unexpected characters or symbols.

Tips and Best Practices

This time to make the most out of the parseFloat() function, consider the following tips and best practices:

  • Validating User Input

Before using parseFloat(), it’s good practice to validate user input to ensure that the string contains only numeric characters or a valid representation of a number.

  • Handling NaN

Since parseFloat() returns NaN when it fails to parse a numeric value, it’s crucial to handle this case gracefully in your code.

You can use isNaN() to check for NaN and perform appropriate actions.

  • Using Number.isNaN()

However, rather than relying on isNaN(), which can yield unexpected results for non-numeric values like null, undefined, or empty strings, consider using Number.isNaN() to specifically check for NaN.

  • Decimal Points and Localization

Keep in mind that the behavior of parseFloat() can vary depending on the locale settings of your application. In some countries, the decimal point may be represented by a comma instead of a period.

In any case, we also provide other useful functions that could assist you:


Can parseFloat() handle scientific notation?

Yes, parseFloat() can handle scientific notation.

For example, parseFloat(‘6.022e23’) will return the floating-point number 6.022e23.

How does parseFloat() handle leading zeros?

parseFloat() treats leading zeros as insignificant and ignores them.

For example, parseFloat(‘007’) will return the number 7.

Is there an alternative to parseFloat() for converting strings to numbers?

Yes, an alternative to parseFloat() is the parseInt() function, which converts a string into an integer.

However, parseInt() only extracts whole numbers from strings and ignores decimal values.


In conclusion, parseFloat() function in JavaScript provides a convenient way to convert strings into floating-point numbers. It can be particularly useful when working with user input or extracting numeric values from strings.

By understanding its syntax, usage, and common mistakes, you can effectively utilize this function in your JavaScript code.

That concludes our discussion on this function. We hope that you have gained valuable insights from this article.

Stay tuned for more! 😊

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