Longest-substring-without-repeating-characters JavaScript

In JavaScript programming language, understanding how to find the Longest-substring-without-repeating-characters JavaScript is a fundamental skill.

Whether you are working on string manipulation, data analysis, or web development, this topic holds extensive value.

This article will discuss the complexity of solving this problem, explore the algorithm, and implementation steps, and provide practical example codes.

Longest Substring without Repeating Characters JavaScript

At the core of this discussion is the challenge of revealing the longest substring within a given string, where no characters repeat.

This challenge usually occurs in scenarios where maintaining distinct elements is necessary, such as in parsing data or ensuring unique user inputs.

To discuss this challenge in JavaScript, we use a sliding window method. This method provides iterating through the string while maintaining a window of characters.

As we pass through, we expand the window for new characters and contract it when repetition appears.

By doing this, we ensure that the substring remains free from repeating characters, and we can effectively find the longest substring.

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Algorithmic Way

Here’s a step-by-step algorithm to find longest substring without repeating characters JavaScript:

  • Set up two pointers, start and end, both set to the start of the string.
  • Set up an empty object, charMap, to track character frequencies within the current window.
  • Set up a variables maxLen and subStart to keep track of the maximum substring length and its starting index.
  • Iterate through the string using the end pointer:
    • When the character at the end pointer is not in charMap, add it to the map with a frequency of 1.
    • When the character is already in charMap, move the start pointer to the next position after the last existence of that character.
    • Update the character’s frequency in charMap.
    • Calculate the current substring length as end – start + 1.
    • When the current substring length is greater than maxLen, update maxLen and subStart.
  • Return the longest substring using the subStart and maxLen values.

Implementing this algorithm assures an optimal solution to the problem, with a time complexity of O(n), where “n” is the length of the input string.

Implementing the Solution in Longest-substring-without-repeating-characters JavaScript

One method to solve this problem is through the brute force method. You can iterate through each character in the string and for each character, iterate through the remaining characters to find the longest substring without repeating characters.

For example:

function findLongestSubstringValue(str) {
    let longestValue = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
        let seenValue = {};
        let currentLengthValue = 0;
        for (let j = i; j < str.length; j++) {
            if (!seenValue[str[j]]) {
                seenValue[str[j]] = true;
                longestValue = Math.max(longestValue, currentLengthValue);
            } else {
    return longestValue;

const input = "javascriptexamplecodes";
const result = findLongestSubstringValue(input);



In this example code, this method works, but it is not the most effective solution, especially for longer strings.

Also read: How to Multiply Strings JavaScript

Sliding Window Technique

A more optimized solution requires the sliding window method. This method maintains a window (a substring) that doesn’t consist of repeating characters.

As you iterate through the string, you can expand the window by moving the end pointer or shrink it by moving the start pointer.

function findLongestSubstringValue(str) {
    let longestValue = 0;
    let startValue = 0;
    let seenValue = {};
    for (let end = 0; end < str.length; end++) {
        if (seenValue[str[end]]) {
            startValue = Math.max(startValue, seenValue[str[end]]);
        longestValue = Math.max(longestValue, end - startValue + 1);
        seenValue[str[end]] = end + 1;
    return longestValue;

const input = "javascriptexamplecodes";
const result = findLongestSubstringValue(input);

The sliding window method approximately improves the time complexity of the solution.

Basic Operation

function findLongestSubstringValue(str) {
    // Code StopIteration here

const inputValue = "examplestring";
const resultValue = findLongestSubstringValue(inputValue);

Handling Edge Cases

function findLongestSubstringValue(str) {
    // Implementation here

const inputValue = "x";
const resultValue = findLongestSubstringValue(inputValue);


What is the time complexity of the sliding window technique?

The sliding window technique has a time complexity of O(n), where n is the length of the input string.

Can I use this technique for languages other than JavaScript?

Yes, the sliding window technique can be applied to other programming languages as well.

Is the sliding window technique always applicable to string manipulation problems?

While the sliding window technique is a powerful way, it’s not always the best choice for every string manipulation problem.


In this article, we’ve explored the findings the longest substring without repeating characters in JavaScript.

We started with the basic concepts and constantly moved on to more advanced methods. The sliding window technique, in particular, proved to be an effective solution for this problem.

By using the example codes and understanding the basic principles, you are now understand to tackle similar challenges in your programming journey.

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