JavaScript SendKeys with Examples

In web development, efficiency and user experience are preeminent. One of the method to achieve both is by using the power of JavaScript SendKeys.

This functional feature enables you to automate user input, saving time and improving the overall functionality of your web applications.

In this article, you will have to learn the JavaScript SendKeys with examples, demonstrating its capabilities and showing you how to implement it effectively.

Understanding JavaScript SendKeys

JavaScript SendKeys is a method that allows developers to simulate keyboard inputs automatically.

Whether you need to automate form submissions, perform UI testing, or create interactive web applications, SendKeys can be a valuable tool in your project.

Benefits of JavaScript SendKeys

Here are the following benefits of SendKeys

  • Efficiency:
    • SendKeys automates repetitive tasks, reducing manual effort.
  • Accuracy:
    • Assures consistent and error-free input.
  • Versatility:
    • Applicable in different scenarios, from testing to data entry.

Also read: JavaScript Foreach is Not a Function with Method and Example

Getting Started

To start using JavaScript SendKeys, make sure that you have a basic understanding of JavaScript and a code editor installed.

Here’s an example code:

// Import the SendKeys library
const { SendKeys } = require('sendKeys');

SendKeys('Welcome to, Itsourcecode Tutorial!', 'input#textInput');

JavaScript SendKeys Example Codes

Now, let’s explore practical examples of how to use JavaScript SendKeys.

Example 1: Filling out a Form

Suppose you have a registration form on your website. With SendKeys, you can automate the entire form-filling process.

Here’s an example code:

const { SendKeys } = require('sendKeys');

// Fill out the registration form
SendKeys('Jude', 'input#firstName');
SendKeys('Glenn', 'input#lastName');
SendKeys('[email protected]', 'input#email');
// ...and so on

Example 2: Automated Testing

Testing is an important part of web development. SendKeys can help you automate UI testing.

Let’s say you want to check if a login page works as expected:

const { SendKeys } = require('sendKeys');

// Simulate login
SendKeys('username123', 'input#username');
SendKeys('secretpassword', 'input#password');
SendKeys('click', 'button#loginButton');

Example 3: Interactive Chatbot

Improve user interactions with a chatbot that responds to user input:

const { SendKeys } = require('sendKeys');

// Simulate a user conversation
SendKeys('Hi, chatbot!', 'input#userInput');
SendKeys('Tell me a funny Joke.', 'input#userInput');
// ...process user input and respond accordingly


How can I install the SendKeys library?

To install the SendKeys library, use npm or yarn: npm install sendkeys

Can I use SendKeys with any HTML element?

Yes, you can use SendKeys with any HTML element that accepts user input, such as input fields, text areas, and even buttons.

Can I use SendKeys with non-English characters?

Yes, SendKeys supports input in different languages, including non-English characters. Ensure your webpage’s encoding is correctly set to handle these characters.


JavaScript SendKeys is a valuable asset in the toolkit of any web developer. It allows you to automate user input efficiently and accurately, improving the functionality and user experience of your web applications.

By following the examples and insights shared in this article, you’ll be well on your way to mastering JavaScript SendKeys with ease.

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