JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded with Example

While working with JavaScript, you may encounter the extreme error message: “JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded“.

In this article, we will discuss this error, provide real-world examples, and provide you with the knowledge to resolve it effectively.

Let’s explore in details of this issue and provide solutions to ensure your JavaScript code runs smoothly.

What is JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded?

JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded is an error that appears when a function in your JavaScript code calls itself recursively without a proper termination condition.

This recursive calling continues until the browser’s call stack limit is reached, resulting in a stack overflow error.

Understanding the Call Stack

The call stack is a fundamental concept in JavaScript’s execution model. It keeps track of function calls, enabling the interpreter to navigate through the code.

Each time a function is called, a new entry is added to the stack. When a function completes, its entry is removed.

However, if functions are nested excessively without termination, it leads to a stack overflow error.


Let’s say a simple JavaScript function that calculates the factorial of a number:

function factorial(x) {
  if (x === 0) {
    return 1;
  return x * factorial(x - 1);

If you call factorial(5), it will result in a recursive call stack like this:


The stack will keep growing until it exceeds the maximum call stack size, triggering the error.

Preventing JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded

To avoid encountering this error, follow these best practices:

Properly Structure Recursive Functions

Make sure that recursive functions have a clear termination condition. In our factorial example, it’s important to check if n is equal to 0 before making a recursive call.

Optimize Code

Optimize your code to decrease the depth of recursion. Use iteration when possible instead of recursion for repetitive tasks.

Also read:

Tail Recursion

Where applicable, use tail recursion. In tail-recursive functions, the recursive call is the last operation in the function, enabling JavaScript engines to optimize memory usage.

Real-Life Example Code

Let’s demonstrate this error with a real-life example. Consider a scenario where you are creating a web application that generates a Fibonacci sequence using a recursive function.

For example:

function fibonacciSample(x) {
  if (x <= 1) {
    return x;
  return fibonacciSample(x - 1) + fibonacciSample(x - 2);


In this example code, calculating the 50th Fibonacci number leads to a stack overflow error due to the excessive number of recursive calls.


What causes the “JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded” error?

The error occurs when a function calls itself recursively without a proper termination condition, leading to a stack overflow.

Can I increase the call stack size?

No, you cannot directly increase the call stack size. Browsers have exact limits to prevent infinite recursion.

How can I avoid this error in my code?

To prevent the error, ensure recursive functions have clear termination conditions and optimize your code to minimize deep recursion.

Are there tools to detect and fix this error?

Yes, different debugging tools and IDEs can help identify and resolve this error. Additionally, code reviews and testing can catch potential issues.


In conclusion, encountering the “JavaScript Maximum Call Stack Size Exceeded” error is not uncommon.

However, understanding this issue and the preventive measures outlined in this article, you can navigate through complex code scenarios with confidence.

Remember, a well-structured and optimized codebase is your best defense against this error.

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