JavaScript Get Month Name with Examples

In this article, we will explore different methods of how to get full month name in JavaScript.

One of the common requirement in web development is the required to display the names of months based on different data inputs or date values.

Fortunately, JavaScript provides a genuine method to achieve the names of months, allowing developers to improve user interfaces with more meaningful information.

How to Get Full Month Name in JavaScript?

Here are the following methods of how to get full month name in JavaScript.

Using the getMonth() Method and an Array

One of the common methods to retrieve the name of a month in JavaScript is by using the getMonth() method along with an array of month names.

The “getMonth() method” returns the month index, where January corresponds to 0 and December corresponds to 11.

Developers can create an array of month names and access the corresponding name using the index returned by getMonth().

Here’s an example code:

const monthsList = [
  "January", "February", "March",
  "April", "May", "June",
  "July", "August", "September",
  "October", "November", "December"

const currentDateValue = new Date();
const currentMonthIndexValue = currentDateValue.getMonth();
const currentMonthNameResult = monthsList[currentMonthIndexValue];

console.log("Current month:", currentMonthNameResult);


Current month: August

Utilizing the toLocaleString() Method

The toLocaleString() method is an adaptable function in JavaScript used to format dates and times according to the user’s locale.

It can also be used to have the name of the month. By revealing the ‘en-US‘ locale and the ‘long‘ time style, developers can assure that the full month name is extracted from the date.

Let’s look at the example of how to use the toLocaleString() Method:

const currentDateValue = new Date();
const optionsValue = { month: 'long' };
const currentMonthNameResult = currentDateValue.toLocaleString('en-US', optionsValue);

console.log("Current month:", currentMonthNameResult);

Using External Libraries

In some scenarios, developers might choose to use external libraries to simplify working with dates and times.

Libraries like Moment.js and date-fns provide complete date manipulation functionalities, including getting month names.

Here’s an example code that uses moment.js:

const moment = require('moment');
const currentDateValue = moment();
const currentMonthNameResult = currentDateValue.format('MMMM');

console.log("Current month:", currentMonthNameResult);


Current month: August

The example that uses date-fns:

const { format } = require('date-fns');
const currentDateValue = new Date();
const currentMonthNameValue = format(currentDateValue, 'MMMM');

console.log("Current month:", currentMonthNameValue);

Creating a Custom Function

Developers can also create custom functions to achieve month names, giving them the flexibility to determine their own rules for formatting and localization.

This method allows for greater customization and attachment to specific project requirements.

Let’s take a look at the example code:

function getMonthNameValue(date, locale = 'en-US') {
  const optionsValue = { month: 'long' };
  return date.toLocaleString(locale, optionsValue);

const currentDateSample = new Date();
const currentMonthNameResult = getMonthNameValue(currentDateSample);

console.log("Current month:", currentMonthNameResult);


Current month: August


In web development, JavaScript serves as a helpful tool for creating dynamic and interactive user interfaces.

When it comes to achieving the month names, JavaScript provides multiple methods to respond the distinct requirements.

From utilizing the getMonth() method in combination with an array for using powerful external libraries like Moment.js and date-fns, developers have a range of options at their disposal.

Additionally, the flexibility to create custom functions enables for the implementation of unique formatting and localization rules.

By understanding these methods, developers can improve the usability and aesthetics of their web applications by showing accurate and localized month names.

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