How to Use onMouseover in JavaScript

In this article, you are going to learn the JavaScript onmouseover, providing you with step-by-step guidance, example codes, and answers to frequently asked questions.

One of the necessary features of onmouseover javascript event, it enables you to trigger actions when the mouse cursor hovers over an element.

Understanding the onMouseover Event

OnMouseover is an event that appears when the user hovers the mouse pointer over an appropriated HTML element.

It is part of a family of events known as “Mouse Events“, and it opens the door to uncounted creative possibilities for web development.

Syntax to use onMouseover in JavaScript

element.onmouseover = function(){
  // You can code here

Change the ‘element‘ with the HTML element you wish to target, and the function inside the event will be executed when the mouse pointer hovers over that element.

Creating Interactive Tooltips

Tooltips offer additional information or descriptions when the user hovers over specific elements, such as buttons or images.

With onMouseover, you can efficiently implement interactive tooltips to increase the user’s understanding and experience.

<button onmouseover="showTooltip('Click to Download the Tutorial!')" onmouseout="hideTooltip()">Register Here</button>

function showTooltip(message) {
  var tooltipSample = document.createElement("span");
  tooltipSample.innerHTML = message;
  tooltipSample.className = "tooltip";

function hideTooltip() {
  var tooltipsSample = document.getElementsByClassName("tooltip");
  for (var i = 0; i < tooltipsSample.length; i++) {

Image Previews on Hover

OnMouseover can also be used to create image previews that occur when the user hovers over thumbnails or small images.

This feature is typical on e-commerce websites and galleries, providing users with a quick look before clicking on the full-sized image.

<img src="image.jpg" onmouseover="showImagePreviewSample('fullImage.jpg')" onmouseout="hideImagePreviewSample()">

function showImagePreviewSample(imageUrl) {
  var previewSample = document.createElement("div"); = `url('${imageUrl}')`;
  previewSample.className = "image-preview";

function hideImagePreviewSample() {
  var previewsResult = document.getElementsByClassName("image-preview");
  for (var i = 0; i < previewsResult.length; i++) {

Building Interactive Navigation Menus

OnMouseover is a relevant tool for constructing interactive navigation menus. When the user hovers over a menu item, you can use the event to show dropdowns, submenus, or additional content, providing a smooth navigation experience.

Here’s an example code:

  <li onmouseover="showDropdownMenu()" onmouseout="hideDropdownMenu()">Home</li>
  <li onmouseover="showDropdownMenu()" onmouseout="hideDropdownMenu()">Items</li>
  <li onmouseover="showDropdownMenu()" onmouseout="hideDropdownMenu()">About Us</li>

<div id="dropdownMenu" style="display: none;">
  <!-- Dropdown menu content here -->

function showDropdownMenu() {
  var dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdownMenu"); = "block";

function hideDropdownMenu() {
  var dropdown = document.getElementById("dropdownMenu"); = "none";

Creating Animated Effects

OnMouseover can also be joined with CSS animations to create fascinating visual effects.

For example, you can change the background color, add shadows, or propose sliding animations when the user hovers over certain elements.

For example:

<div onmouseover="addAnimationSample()" onmouseout="removeAnimationSample()" class="animated-element">Click Here</div>

.animated-element {
  transition: background-color 0.3s ease;

.animated-element.animated {
  background-color: #e28743;

function addAnimationSample() {
  var element = document.querySelector(".animated-element");

function removeAnimationSample() {
  var element = document.querySelector(".animated-element");

Implementing Image Slideshows

OnMouseover can be occupied to create image slideshows that change images when the user hovers over them.

This event can be used to showcase different angles or differences of a product or highlight multiple images in a gallery.

Let’s see an example code:

<div onmouseover="changeImageSample('image2.jpg')" onmouseout="resetImageSample()">
  <img id="mainImage" src="imageSample.jpg" alt="Main Image">

function changeImageSample(imageUrl) {
  var mainImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");
  mainImage.src = imageUrl;

function resetImageSample() {
  var mainImage = document.getElementById("mainImage");
  mainImage.src = "imageSample.jpg";

Displaying Tooltips with Delay

Adding minor delay tooltips can avoid them from occurring too quickly and amazing the user. This can be done using the “setTimeout” function in JavaScript.

Here’s an example code:

<button onmouseover="showTooltipDelayedSample('Click me to learn more!')" onmouseout="hideTooltipSample()">Login Here</button>

function showTooltipDelayedSample(message) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    var tooltipSample = document.createElement("span");
    tooltipSample.innerHTML = message;
    tooltipSample.className = "tooltip";
  }, 700); // 700 milliseconds delay

function hideTooltipSample() {
  var tooltipsSample = document.getElementsByClassName("tooltip");
  for (var i = 0; i < tooltipsSample.length; i++) {


What is onMouseover in JavaScript?

onMouseover is an event in JavaScript that is triggered when the mouse cursor enters the area of an element. It enables developers to execute code and create interactive elements on web pages.

How do I use onMouseover to display tooltips?

To make tooltips using onMouseover, you can use CSS to determine the appearance of the tooltip and set its visibility to hidden by default.

Can I use onMouseover to implement image zoom effects?

Yes, onMouseover is typically used to create image zoom effects. By applying a scaling transformation to the image on hover, you can obtain a zoomed-in effect.


Using JavaScript onmouseover opens up a world of possibilities for creating interactive and fascinating web experiences.

From tooltips and image zoom effects to drop-down navigation menus, this event offers a powerful structure to increase user interaction on your website.

By following the steps and examples in this article, you can master the art of using onMouseover to its full potential.

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