How To Make Title Case Javascript? | 4 Steps

The “title case in Javascript” is a component that is frequently disregarded yet is critical in presenting content effectively.

Moreover, Text capitalization improves readability and offers your website a polished appearance.

Therefore in this post, we will look at the idea of title case in JavaScript and how to use it effectively in your applications.

What is Title Case in JavaScript?

The title case is a text transformation method where the first letter of each word in a sentence or phrase is capitalized, while all other letters remain in lowercase, except for proper nouns and specific exceptions.

In JavaScript, a title case is commonly used to standardize headings, titles, and sentences to achieve a consistent and aesthetically pleasing appearance.

How to get Title Case in JavaScript?

To get the title case in JavaScript, you can create a custom function that converts the first letter of each word in a sentence or phrase to uppercase while keeping the rest of the letters in lowercase.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve title case in JavaScript:

Step 1: Create the Title Case Function

function toTitleCase(text) {
  return text.toLowerCase().replace(/(?:^|\s)\w/g, function (match) {
    return match.toUpperCase();

Step 2: Understand the Function

In this function, we start by converting the entire input text to lowercase using the toLowerCase() method. This is done to ensure that all letters are in lowercase before capitalizing the first letter of each word.

Next, we use a regular expression with the replace() method to match the first letter of each word (denoted by \w) preceded by either the start of the text (^) or a whitespace character (\s).

The replace() method then replaces each matched letter with its uppercase equivalent using the provided callback function.

Step 3: Implement the Function

To use the toTitleCase() function, simply pass the text you want to convert as an argument.

For example:

const inputText = "How to make title case javascript?";
const titleCaseText = toTitleCase(inputText);


How To Make Title Case Javascript?

Step 4: Applying Title Case to Headings

To apply the title case to headings in HTML, you can use the same toTitleCase() function in combination with JavaScript DOM manipulation to select and modify the heading elements.

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <title>Title Case Example</title>

  <h1 id="mainTitle">welcome to my website</h1>
  <h2 id="subTitle">latest news and updates</h2>

    function toTitleCase(text) {
  return text.toLowerCase().replace(/(?:^|\s)\w/g, function (match) {
    return match.toUpperCase();

    // Applying title case to headings
    const mainTitle = document.getElementById("mainTitle");
    mainTitle.textContent = toTitleCase(mainTitle.textContent);

    const subTitle = document.getElementById("subTitle");
    subTitle.textContent = toTitleCase(subTitle.textContent);



Javascript title case result

In this example, the toTitleCase() function is applied to the content of the <h1> and <h2> elements, converting them to title case.

Remember to always consider best practices when applying title case and handle exceptions as necessary.

With this custom function, you can easily achieve title case in JavaScript and improve the readability and aesthetics of your web content.

What are title case examples?

In JavaScript, title case refers to a capitalization style in which the first letter of each word in a sentence or phrase is capitalized and all subsequent letters are lowercase.
Here are some methods for changing a string to title case in JavaScript:

  1. Using a function with split() and map():
function toTitleCase(str) {
  return str
    .split(' ')
    .map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1))
    .join(' ');

const sentence = "How to make title case javascript?";
const titleCaseSentence = toTitleCase(sentence);

  1. Using a regular expression with replace():
function toTitleCase(str) {
  return str.replace(/\b\w/g, char => char.toUpperCase());

const sentence = "What is title case in JavaScript?";
const titleCaseSentence = toTitleCase(sentence);

  1. Using ES6 arrow functions and replace() with a regular expression:
const toTitleCase = str => str.replace(/\b\w/g, char => char.toUpperCase());

const sentence = "Using ES6 arrow functions and replace() with a regular expression:";
const titleCaseSentence = toTitleCase(sentence);
// Output: "Hello World, This Is A Title Case Example"

  1. Using split(), map(), and join() with a regular expression:
function toTitleCase(str) {
  return str
    .replace(/(?:^|\s)\w/g, char => char.toUpperCase());

const sentence = "Using split(), map(), and join() ";
const titleCaseSentence = toTitleCase(sentence);

  1. Using Intl API (newer method introduced in ECMAScript Internationalization API):
function toTitleCase(str) {
  return new Intl.TitleCase().format(str);

const sentence = "itscourcode world, this is a title case example";
const titleCaseSentence = toTitleCase(sentence);

All of these approaches will convert the input string to title case, capitalizing the first letter of each word. Choose the one that best suits your preferences and the requirements of your project.

Importance of Title Case

Title case implementation in JavaScript code is crucial for the following reasons:

  • Readability: Proper capitalization improves readability, making it simpler for readers to scan and comprehend your text.
  • Aesthetics: Title case gives your website or application a polished and eye-catching appearance.
  • Benefits of SEO: Although capitalization is not a factor particularly considered by search engines when ranking material, well-formatted content frequently enjoys higher user engagement, which has a positive impact on SEO.
  • User Experience: A website that uses title case consistently throughout all of its content shows attention to detail, which improves the user experience.

Tips for Title Case in JavaScript

When using title case in JavaScript, keep the following recommended practices in mind for optimal results:

Disregard Little Words

In the title case, letters like “a,” “an,” “the,” “in,” “on,” etc. are not usually capitalized. Use logic to disregard such insignificant words.

Manage initials and acronyms

Initials and acronyms like “HTML,” “CSS,” or “USA” should all be uppercase.

Maintain Only Uppercase Words

When changing to title case, some words, such as acronyms or abbreviations, should remain in uppercase.

Adapt to Special Cases

There may be unique capitalization rules that apply to certain words or phrases. Adapt your function to deal with such situations.

Nevertheless, here are other functions you can learn to enhance your JavaScript skills.


In conclusion, mastering title case in JavaScript is essential for web developers who strive to create professional and user-friendly content.

The correct capitalization of text improves readability, aesthetics, and user experience, making your website stand out.

Implementing a custom function to convert text to title case is straightforward and highly beneficial.

Remember to follow the best practices to handle exceptions and achieve consistent results.

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