How to Export Multiple Functions in JavaScript

In this article, you are going to learn the process of JavaScript export multiple functions, covering different methods and scenarios.

When working on larger projects, you typically need to organize your program by splitting functions into separate files.

Exporting and importing functions correctly is important to maintain a clean and maintainable program structure.

Understanding of JavaScript Export Multiple Functions

When it comes to export multiple functions JavaScript, there are several methods you can use. These methods help you modularize your code, enhance reusability, and maintain a well-structured project.

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Here are some methods to accomplish this:

Using the CommonJS Module Syntax

The CommonJS module syntax is generally used in Node.js applications and it is supported in modern browsers through bundlers like Webpack.

To export multiple functions using CommonJS, follow these steps:

  • Create Separate Files
    • Organize your functions in particular files, each consisting of a specific set of related functions.
  • Export Functions
    • In each file, use the module.exports objects to export the functions you want to make available to other parts of your application.
  • Import Functions
    • In the file where you need these functions, use the required function to import them.

Using the ES6 Modules

ES6 Modules offers a more modern and standardized method to modular JavaScript.

To export multiple functions using ES6 Modules:

  • Export Functions
    • In your function file, use the export keyword before each function declaration you want to export.
  • Import Functions
    • In the importing file, use the import keyword followed by the function name to import the appropriate functions.

Combining Export Statements

In situations where you have multiple functions in a single file that you want to export, you can combine the export statements.

Here’s an example code:

export { variable1, variable2, variable3};

Using Default Exports

You can also use default exports when you have a main function to export from a module:

For example:

export default function mainFunctionValue() {
    // Function logic here

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Best Practices for Exporting Multiple Functions

While exporting functions, it is essential to follow some best practices to assure a clean and maintainable program.

  • Single Responsibility Principle
    • Each function/module should have a single responsibility to make the program more manageable.
  • Descriptive Naming
    • Use meaningful names for your functions and modules, beneficial in understanding their purpose.
  • Consistent Formatting
    • Maintain a logical code style throughout your project for better readability.
  • Clear Documentation
    • Include comments or documentation for exported functions to provide usage instructions.

Example of Exporting Multiple Functions JavaScript

Let’s see a practical example of exporting multiple utility functions. Imagine you have a file named mathUtils.js consisting mathematical utility functions.

Here’s an example code:

// mathUtils.js
export function addition(x, y) {
    return x + y;

export function subtraction(x, y) {
    return x - y;

export function multiplication(x, y) {
    return x * y;

To use these functions in another file, you can import them like this:

import { add, subtraction, multipliplication } from './mathUtils.js';

console.log(addition(5, 3));
console.log(subtraction(10, 4));
console.log(multiplication(2, 6));


Can I mix different export methods in a single project?

Yes, you can use different export methods based on your project’s requirements. However, it’s recommended to maintain flexibility within your project.

Is there a limit to the number of functions I can export from a single module?

There is no strict limit, but it’s advisable to keep modules focused and export a reasonable number of related functions.


In conclusion, exporting multiple functions in JavaScript is an essential skill for building maintainable and organized projects.

By following the methods and best practices outlined in this article, you can effectively structure your program and improve its reusability.

Whether you are using CommonJS or ES6 Modules, proper function exportation will undoubtedly contribute to the success of your JavaScript projects.

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