How to add leading and trailing zeros 00 to a number in JavaScript?

Are you wondering how to add leading and trailing zeros 00 to a number in JavaScript? Well, keep on reading!

Discover how to format numbers in JavaScript with leading zeros.

This article will teach you different methods to add 00 to numbers in JavaScript, making them easier to read and compare.

Let’s get started! And follow our comprehensive guide and start formatting your numbers like a pro today.

What is “leading” and “trailing” zeros?

When we talk about “leading” and “trailing,” we’re referring to the position of characters or elements in relation to a string or an array.

“Leading” means the characters or elements that come before the main content.

For example, in the string “00123,” the leading characters are the two zeros at the beginning of the string.

“Trailing” means the characters or elements that come after the main content.

For example, in the string “12300,” the trailing characters are the two zeros at the end of the string.

When it comes to adding zeros to a number, “leading zeros” are zeros added at the beginning of the number, while “trailing zeros” are zeros added after the decimal point.

Solutions on how to add leading zero 00 to a number in JavaScript?

Here are the different solutions on how to add leading zeros 00 to a number in JavaScript.

Solution 1: Use the padStart() method

The padStart() method is used to make a string longer by adding another string to its beginning until it reaches a specific length.

To add leading zeros to a number, you can convert the number to a string and then apply the padStart() method.

Specify the desired length and use the “0” character as the padding to achieve the desired result.

Here’s an example:

const num = 1;
const paddedNum = num.toString().padStart(3, '0');



Solution 2: Use custom function

By creating a custom function, it is possible to include leading zeros in a number to match a specified length.

This function can accept two parameters: the number itself and the desired length.

The function will then add leading zeros to the number until it reaches the desired length.

Here’s an example:

function pad(num, size) {
let s = num.toString();
while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
return s;
console.log(pad(1, 3));



Solution 3: Use a loop

You can use a loop to add a “00” character at the beginning of a number repeatedly until it reaches the desired length.

Here’s an example:

function pad(num, size) {
let s = num.toString();
while (s.length < size) s = "0" + s;
return s;
console.log(pad(1, 3));



Solution 4: Use an array

You can create an array of zeros with the desired length, then join it with the number and slice the result to get the desired length.

Here’s an example:

function pad(num, size) {
let s = "0".repeat(size) + num;
return s.slice(-size);
console.log(pad(1, 3)); 



How to add trailing zeros.00 to a number after the decimal point in JavaScript?

To add trailing zeros to a number after the decimal point in JavaScript, you can use the toFixed() method.

This method formats a number using fixed-point notation and returns a string representation of the number with a specified number of digits after the decimal point.

If you want to make sure a number has two zeros after the decimal point and add leading zeros in JavaScript.

You can use a combination of the toFixed() method and string manipulation.

Here’s the simplest way to add trailing zeros.00 to a number in JavaScript.

const num = 10;
const formattedNum = num.toFixed(2);



A step-by-step guide on how to add trailing zeros .00 to number in JavaScript

To add trailing zeros .00 to a number in JavaScript, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: You have to convert the number to a String

In order to transform a number into a string, the first step involves using the toString() method available in JavaScript.

This method allows you to convert numeric values into their corresponding string representations.

Here’s an example to illustrate this process:

let number = 10.5;
let numberString = number.toString();

As you can see, in the above example, we have a number 10, and we use the toString() method to convert it to a string.

Step 2: Verify decimal places

Next, we check if the number has decimal places. If it does, we proceed to step 3.

If not, we can skip the remaining steps and directly add the desired zeros and “.00” to the string.

Step 3: Separate the string

If the number has decimal places, it is essential to separate the string into two distinct components: the integer part and the decimal part.

To achieve this, the split() method can be utilized. Here’s an example:

let parts = numberString.split('.');

The split() method is used to separate the string at a specific point, which in this case is a dot (.) symbol.

Step 4: Add leading zeros .00

During this step, we prepend leading zeros to the integer portion of the number.

This can be accomplished by utilizing the padStart() method.

Here’s an example for better understanding:

let integerPart = parts[0].padStart(2, '0');

The padStart() method is used to add zeros at the beginning of the string until it reaches the desired length, which in this particular case is 2.

Step 5: Concatenate the parts

Finally, we merge the integer part (including leading zeros) with the decimal part (if present) to obtain the desired result. This can be accomplished by using the join() method.

Here’s an example:

let result = integerPart + (parts[1] ? '.' + parts[1] : '.00');

The join() method is used to merge the elements of an array into a single string. In this example, we check if there is a decimal part (stored in parts[1]). If there is, we add a dot (.) and two zeros (.00) to it.

Here’s the complete code:

function addLeadingZeros(number) {
  let numberString = number.toFixed(2);
  let parts = numberString.split('.');
  let integerPart = parts[0].padStart(2, '0');
  let result = integerPart + '.' + (parts[1] ? parts[1] : '00');
  return result;

// Example usage
let number = 10.5;
let formattedNumber = addLeadingZeros(number);




In conclusion, this article provides various solutions on how to add leading and trailing zeros 00 to numbers in JavaScript.

It explains the concept of leading and trailing zeros and their significance concerning strings and arrays.

This article provides four different solutions for adding leading zeros to a number, including using the padStart() method, a custom function, a loop, and an array.

Moreover, we explain how to add trailing zeros after the decimal point using the toFixed() method and string manipulation.

Aside from that, we provide a detailed walkthrough on how to add trailing zeros .00 to a number in Javascript.

By following these solutions and steps, readers can format numbers in JavaScript accurately, ensuring the inclusion of both leading and trailing zeros.

We are hoping that this article provides you with enough information that helps you understand how to add 00 number JavaScript. 

You can also check out the following article:

Thank you for reading itsourcecoders 😊.

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