How JavaScript Removes First Character From String In 5 Ways

This article will explore five different ways how JavaScript removes first character from string.

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, understanding these techniques will enhance your JavaScript skills and enable you to handle string manipulation more effectively.

So let’s dive in and explore the various ways to remove the first character from a string!

Using the substring() Method

The substring() method allows us to extract a portion of a string based on the specified start and end indices.

To remove the first character from a string using substring(), we can set the start index to 1, indicating that we want to exclude the first character.

Here’s an example:

let originalString = "@Hello @itsourcecode!";
let modifiedString = originalString.substring(1);

The output will be:

Hello @itsourcecode!

Leveraging the slice() Method

Similarly, the slice() method can also be used to extract a portion of a string.

By providing the start index as 1, we can effectively remove the first character.

Consider the following example:

let originalString = "@Hello @itsourcecode!";
let modifiedString = originalString.slice(1);

The output will be the same as the previous example:

Hello @itsourcecode!

Utilizing the substr() Method

The substr() method allows us to extract a substring from a string, starting from a specified index and extending for a given number of characters.

To remove the first character, we can set the start index to 1 and omit the length parameter.

Here’s an example:

let originalString = "hello @itsourcecode!";
let modifiedString = originalString.substr(1);

The output will once again be:

ello @itsourcecode!

Using Regular Expressions (RegExp)

Another approach to remove the first character from a string is by utilizing regular expressions.

We can use the replace() method along with a regular expression pattern to match and replace the first character.

Here’s an example:

let originalString = "Hello @itsourcecode!";
let modifiedString = originalString.replace(/^./, '');

In this example, the ^. pattern matches the first character of the string, and the empty string replaces it.

The output will be:

ello @itsourcecode!

Converting the String to an Array

Another approach to removing the first character from a string is by converting the string into an array, manipulating the array, and then joining it back into a string.

Here’s an example:

let str = "Hello, @itsourcode!";
let charArray = str.split("");
let newStr = charArray.join("");


ello, @itsourcode!

These are five different ways to remove the first character from a string in JavaScript. Choose the method that suits your needs and coding style.

Comparison and Usage Considerations

All three methods (substring(), slice(), and substr()) can be used to remove the first character from a string in JavaScript. They achieve the same result, but they differ slightly in their behavior.

The substring() method requires the starting index and does not accept negative indices.

On the other hand, both slice() and substr() allow negative indices, enabling us to remove the last character or characters from the end of the string.

When choosing between these methods, consider the specific requirements of your task and the flexibility needed.

If you only need to remove the first character, any of the methods will suffice.

However, if you require more advanced string manipulations, slice() and substr() might offer additional functionality.

Here are additional resources you can check out to help you master JavaScript.


In JavaScript, removing the first character from a string can be accomplished using the substring(), slice(), or substr() and replace() methods.

Each method provides a straightforward way to extract a portion of the string, effectively excluding the first character.

Consider the specific needs of your project and choose the method that best suits your requirements.

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