CreateTextNode JavaScript with Example Codes

In web development, manipulating the content displayed on a webpage is an important skill. One way to accomplish this is through the JavaScript createtextnode.

This powerful function allows you to create and insert text nodes within HTML elements, dynamically changing your page’s content.

In this article, we will discuss the details of using CreateTextNode JavaScript with example codes, allowing you to improve user experiences on your website.

Methods to Use in CreateTextNode JavaScript

Here are the following methods to Use in CreateTextNode JavaScript.

Method 1: Using CreateTextNode to Add Text Content

One of the essential use cases of the CreateTextNode function is to dynamically insert text content into HTML elements.

Let’s see the following example code:

const targetElementValue = document.getElementById('target');
const newTextMessage = 'Welcome Itsourcecode!';
const textNodeResult = document.createTextNode(newTextMessage);


In this example, we select an HTML element using its ID, create a text node that consists of the desired text, and then append it to the selected element.

This process ensures that the text is added to the webpage dynamically.

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Manipulating Text Content

With CreateTextNode, you’re not limited to adding static text. You can also manipulate existing text content constantly.

Let’s say you have a paragraph element and want to change its text content based on user interactions.

Here’s an example code of how you can do it:

const paragraphValue = document.getElementById('paragraph');

function changeTextValue() {
    const newTextSample = 'New text content!';
    paragraphValue.firstChild.nodeValue = newTextSample;

In this example, the changeTextValue function changes the text content of the targeted paragraph element.

By accessing the firstChild of the paragraph and updating its nodeValue, you will accomplish dynamic content manipulation.

Handling User Inputs

User inputs are an integral part of interactive web pages. You can combine user inputs with CreateTextNode to display custom messages or data.

Here’s a simple form input example code:

<input type="text" id="userInput">
<button onclick="displayInputValue()">Display Input</button>
<p id="output"></p>

function displayInputValue() {
    const userInputValue = document.getElementById('userInput').value;
    const outputElement = document.getElementById('output');
    const textNodeValue = document.createTextNode(`User input: ${userInputValue}`);

In this example code, when the user enters text into the input field and clicks the button, the entered text is displayed below as part of a dynamically created text node.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the purpose of CreateTextNode in JavaScript?

CreateTextNode is used to dynamically create and insert text nodes within HTML elements, enabling developers to manipulate content on webpages programmatically.

Can I use CreateTextNode to modify existing text content?

Precisely! You can update existing text content of HTML elements by accessing the nodeValue property of the text node and assigning new text.

Is it possible to combine user inputs with CreateTextNode?

Yes, you can combine user inputs with CreateTextNode to display dynamic content based on user interactions, improving the interactivity of your web pages.

Can I use CreateTextNode to add text to multiple elements simultaneously?

Yes, you can create multiple text nodes using CreateTextNode and append them to different HTML elements, thereby adding text content to multiple elements in a dynamic and controlled manner.


In conclusion, mastering the CreateTextNode function in JavaScript opens up a world of possibilities for dynamically altering content on your web pages.

From adding static text to constantly updating user inputs, you now have the tools to create engaging and interactive user experiences.

By following the examples and guidelines in this article, you’re well on your way to becoming proficient in the art of dynamic content manipulation.

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