importerror html5lib not found please install it

Have you ever tried to import html5lib but instead have importerror html5lib not found please install it?

Well apparently, you have not installed the html5lib.

So in this article, we will explore how to fix the error at the same time provide other causes of why the error occurs.

What is importerror html5lib not found please install it?

The error ‘importerror html5lib not found please install it’ is indicating that the Python module html5lib is not currently installed on your system.

In particular, html5lib is a popular Python library used for parsing HTML documents and is commonly used in web scraping and other web development tasks.

Solutions – importerror html5lib not found please install it

Since we already knew what kind of error importerror html5lib not found please install it is, now we’re going to fix it.

Here are the following solutions you can consider in troubleshooting the error:

1. Check if Python installed

Before installing any Python package, you need to have Python installed on your system.

In order to check if Python is installed run the following command in your terminal:

python --version

After you run the command above, if you see an output that includes a version number, it means Python is installed on your system.

2. Install pip

Specifically, pip is a package manager for Python that makes it easy to install and manage Python packages.

To install pip, run the following command in your terminal:

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

3. Install html5lib

If ever pip is installed, you can now install html5lib by running the following command in your terminal.

pip install html5lib

4. Check if the installation was successful

After the installation is complete, you must check if html5lib is installed.

To do this run the following command in your Python shell.

import html5lib

So here is the example code where html5lib is already installed and can be able to import.

import html5lib

html_doc = "<html><head><title>Test Page</title></head><body><p>This is a test.</p></body></html>"
parsed_html = html5lib.parse(html_doc)



<Element '{}html' at 0x000001DAB69DFE70>

Keep in mind if the steps don’t work, you can try uninstalling and reinstalling html5lib using pip, or installing it using a different package manager such as conda.

Additionally, you can check that you are running the correct version of Python and that you have the necessary permissions to install packages on your system.

Moreover, here are fixed errors you might check when anyway you chances have com across the error.

Possible Reasons html5lib not found please install it

Now that we already fix the error, here are some of the possible reasons you can consider when you encounter it again:

  • html5lib is not installed
  • Incorrect installation
  • Incorrect Python environment
  • Permissions issue


In conclusion, importerror html5lib not found please install it error implies that you haven’t installed html5lib package in your system.

Obviously, to fix this error you have to install the module and check other factors why this error occurs.

I think that’s all for this error. I hope this article has helped you fix the issues.

Until next time! 😊

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