Importerror: cannot import name ‘mapping’ from ‘collections’

When you’ve been in programming in Python, chances to encounter “ImportError: cannot import name ‘mapping’ from ‘collections'” is inevitable.

This error occurs when Python cannot import the ‘mapping’ module from the ‘collections’ package.

Certainly, it is a common error that can be caused by several factors, such as package incompatibility, syntax errors, and circular imports.

In this article, we will explore the different causes of this error and provide you with effective solutions to fix it.

What is Importerror: cannot import name ‘mapping’ from ‘collections’?

The Python “ImportError: cannot import name Mapping from ‘collections'” occurs when we try to import the mapping class from the collections module in Python versions 3.10+.

Additionally, it implies that the module installed which imports the mapping class from the collections module is a 3.10 Python version.

Actually, the mapping class in Python 3.10 is already moved to module.

Here is how this error occurs when we use this import statement:

from collections import mapping


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Windows\PycharmProjects\pythonProject1\", line 1, in <module>
    from collections import mapping
ImportError: cannot import name 'mapping' from 'collections' 

Solutions for importerror: cannot import name mapping from collections

To fix this error update import statements and

1. Change import statements

When you are using Python 3.10 and you encounter this error, then you need to update your import statements.

From this import statement:

# ❌ Old import for versions older than Python3.10
from collections import Mapping


To import from the module:

# ✅ New import for versions Python3.10+
from import Mapping

# 📌 <class ''>

2. Reinstall the library

It’s possible that the ‘collections’ library is not installed or is corrupted. To fix this, you can try reinstalling the library using pip.

You can use the following command to reinstall the ‘collections’ library:

pip install --upgrade collections

Possible reasons Importerror: cannot import name ‘mapping’ from ‘collections’ occurs

Here are the possible causes why you might encounter this error. This can help you when you troubleshoot this error.

  • The ‘mapping’ module was removed in Python 3.8, so if you’re using a version of Python that is 3.8 or higher, you won’t be able to import it.
  • If you have a variable or function with the same name as a module, it can cause issues with imports.
  • It’s possible that the ‘collections’ library is not installed or is corrupted.
  • Sometimes, this error might be caused by a simple typo or syntax error in your code.
  • It’s possible that another module or library that your code depends on is causing the error.

Anyway here are some other fixed errors wherein you can refer to try when you might face these errors:


To conclude the simplest way to fix ImportError: cannot import name ‘mapping’ from ‘collections’ is to check your Python version. Then when it’s in the newer version, use the module, and if it is older, verify if the collections module exists.

I hope this article has helped you fix the error.

Until next time! 😊