Importerror: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2’

In this article, we’ll explore the potential causes of this Importerror: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2’ error and provide practical solutions to help you overcome it.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out with Jinja2, understanding how to work with the “environmentfilter” function is a valuable skill that can take your web development skills to the next level.

Particularly, Jinja2 is a widely-used templating engine for Python that enables developers to create dynamic and powerful web applications.

One of the key features of Jinja2 is the “environmentfilter” function, which allows developers to customize filters that can be applied to templates at the environment level.

However, sometimes when trying to import the “environmentfilter” function from the Jinja2 module, you may run into the error message “ImportError: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2′”.

Now let’s have a deeper understanding about this error…

What is importerror: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2’?

This error importerror: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2’ message suggests that there is an issue with importing the “environmentfilter” function from the “jinja2” module in Python.

The “environmentfilter” function is used in Jinja2 to create a filter that can be applied to templates at the environment level.

It allows for custom filtering of template variables based on the environment in which the template is being rendered.

Why is this error occur?

The following reasons why we get Importerror: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2’ includes the following:

  • If you have an outdated version of Jinja2 installed, it may not include the “environmentfilter” function.
  • If there is a problem with the way your code is importing the Jinja2 module, this could cause the error to occur.
  • If you have multiple installations of Jinja2 on your system, it’s possible that they are conflicting with each other and causing the error.
  • It’s possible that some of the files that make up the Jinja2 module are missing or corrupted, which can cause the “environmentfilter” function to be unavailable.
  • If there is a syntax error in your code that is preventing the “environmentfilter” function from being imported correctly, this could cause the error to occur.
  • If there are dependencies required by Jinja2 that are not installed or are outdated, this can cause issues with importing the “environmentfilter” function.
  • There may be platform-specific issues that cause the “environmentfilter” function to be unavailable.

Solution for importerror: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2’

To solve the error, upgrade the package that caused the issue and correct installations.

Upgrading Jinja2 to the latest version

If the ImportError is caused by a version conflict, upgrading Jinja2 to the latest version can often solve the issue.

To upgrade Jinja2, run the following command:

pip install --upgrade jinja2

Reinstalling Jinja2

If Jinja2 was not installed properly, reinstalling the library can sometimes fix the ImportError issue. To reinstall Jinja2, run the following command:

pip uninstall jinja2
pip install jinja2

Checking the Jinja2 installation path

If Jinja2 was installed in a non-standard location or if there are issues with the installation path, it can cause issues with importing modules. To check the installation path of Jinja2, run the following command:

pip show jinja2

This will display information about the installed version of Jinja2, including the installation path.

Anyway here are some other fixed errors wherein you can refer to try when you might face these errors:


In conclusion, the “ImportError: cannot import name ‘environmentfilter’ from ‘jinja2′” error message can be caused by version conflicts or incorrect installation of Jinja2.

It is important to properly handle errors in coding to avoid complications during development.

Upgrading Jinja2 to the latest version, reinstalling Jinja2, and checking the installation path are possible solutions to the ImportError issue.

I hope this article has helped you fix the error.

Until next time! 😊